Suicide Awareness Event

people seated around a bank of tables in a meeting room.

Zoyah, one of our volunteers, shares what she learned at our suicide awareness event, which was held on Thursday 8th September at Darnall Primary Care Centre, and was facilitated by Jon Friend and Penny Capper from Sheffield Mind.

There’s no doubt that the recent events across the last few years have left a mark on us all.

Besides the pandemic’s negative effects economically and socially, keeping our mental wellbeing stable has become even more challenging. A recent study led by St Johns Ambulance revealed that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on mental health. They found that around 2 in 5 people felt that their mental health got worse during the pandemic. Another recent survey found that 40% of people have considered leaving their job because of mental health and wellbeing issues.

So we know that mental health is a worldwide crisis, but what does it really mean to have positive mental health and how can we save lives?

Something profound was shared at DWB’s Mental Health and Suicide Awareness session. We looked at Jeremy Forbes’ TED Talk on how to start a conversation about suicide. Forbes’ approach is simple: we must start by breaking down any cultural barriers and societal stigma around suicide. For example, it’s common for a lot of people to think that men struggle less with mental health than women or that depression and anxiety are mere myths in some communities – these couldn’t be more far from the truth.

People taking part in our suicide awareness event

Talking safely about suicide

In order to create a safer world for those struggling with mental health whether it’s us or the people who we love, we need to create a safe environment. People struggling with suicidal thoughts won’t always ask for help, they may seem happy all the time or have it all together, sometimes even just come across as strong. As a loved one, it’s very important to check on them but what about those battling these challenging thoughts alone?

Forbes spoke about an event in his community hosted regularly to discuss mental health and suicide with not only those who share the same job as him, but men of different occupations, as well as those who’ve known someone struggling with mental health. He created a space for all in his community to appreciate the strength of those battling mental health and to help support both those struggling and their loved ones.

We often underestimate the power a small conversation can have on someone, especially if they are experiencing suicidal thoughts. Simply remaining calm and actively listening to them can likely reduce the risk of suicide completion. Active listening is different to passive listening, because you show a willingness to hear how they express their feelings whilst asking direct and open questions. Whilst actively listening, ensure that you’re non-judgemental, hear them out.  As tempting as it is, don’t lecture them on the value of life nor debate about how they feel; this will only push them away from not only you, but from seeking professional help.

At the core of every distress a suicidal person feels is the fact that they cannot take the pain anymore, they feel as if no one truly understands or appreciates them. It’s important to remember that suicidal people don’t necessarily want to kill themselves or end their existence, they just want to end their pain. Those struggling will often have quite a different perspective on life and its values based on their experiences and current challenges – the brains of those struggling with mental health issues such as depression and bi-polar disorder are quite different as we were shown by MRI scans in the session.

People sharing thoughts and ideas at our suicide awareness event

Managing your Mental Health and Wellbeing

To help support those struggling with mental health and improve your own, we spoke about the importance of having a consistent routine whilst taking time out for yourself – time that doesn’t involve any tech. This could be reading a book, painting, cooking and baking a healthy recipe with a loved one or even a simple walk admiring the nature on the way. It’s important to dedicate even just 1 hour each day to yourself; it helps bring calm and ease to the mind. Alongside seeking professional help, one of the most effective things to do is exercise and be physically active regularly. This could be joining a health walk or chairobics, or even taking up a new sport like netball. If you want to improve both your physical and mental wellbeing whilst being part of a fun group, click here to find out more about Darnall Well Being’s activities.

To reach a state of positive mental health, we first need to know what that looks like for us. We discussed that it’s a state of wellbeing, in which every individual realises their own potential and can cope with the normal stress of life and work productively.

It’s easy to think that positive mental health involves no stress, but naturally we all thrive on stress – we just need a healthy balance, but when we get too much stress that’s when an imbalance happens. Too much stress causes an adverse reaction, due to excessive pressures or other types of demands placed on us. If not taken care of, it can take meaning away from our lives and we start neglecting our physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual needs.

So be sure to take some time out each day to reflect on your mental wellbeing, check in on yourself whilst remembering to be kind to your body and mind because, as a famous Chinese proverb states, ‘the mind is the emperor of the body’.

If you need to talk to someone about suicide right now, help is available:

Call The Samaritans on 116 123

Calls to the Samaritans are free, or you can email them at:

Text ‘Shout’ to 85258

Texts to Shout are free on all major mobile networks.

Call Sheffield Helpline on 0808 801 0440

Calls to Sheffield Helpline free from landlines and most mobiles

Visit the Sheffield Suicide Support website

Search for help and support services if you or someone you know is suicidal, or if you have been bereaved through suicide.

Mental health support is also available in Sheffield from:

Sheffield Mind – providing mental health support services to the people of Sheffield

Flourish – a mental health charity rooted in Sheffield, supporting the community to share their stories, get involved in activities, and flourish.

Darnall & Tinsley Physical Activity Get Together

Darnall & Tinsley physical activity get together flyer

Darnall Well Being, Darnall Education & Sport Academy, and Voluntary Action Sheffield are hosting a get together for all organisations or individuals who provide opportunities for people to be physically active in the Darnall and Tinsley areas.

Join us on Wednesday 28th September 2022 from 4 to 6pm at the English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Rd, Sheffield, S9 5DA.

We want to give people who work in the area a chance to meet others working on similar stuff, understand each other’s services better, share strengths and challenges, and possibly spark some ideas on how we could work together more to better serve the area.

We also think it will be a good opportunity to show off the good things happening in the area.

We will structure the session so there is time for:

  • Showcasing your work and organisation
  • Conversations about common problems or opportunities and what we can do collectively
  • And, some time for something fun

We will put on refreshments, and you can come and go as you please. All welcome, just please respond to the invite so we can plan for numbers, by emailing Feel free to share this information with any community organisations or individuals who may benefit from this.

Job Opportunity

Join Our Team graphic

We are recruiting for a pool of four Activity Sessional Workers to deliver and support our group activities in Darnall and Tinsley.

Job Description

Post Title: Activity Sessional Worker
Pay: £10.00 per hour
Responsible To:    Senior Health & Wellbeing Worker
Responsible For:   Leading and Supporting Group Activities
Key Terms and Conditions       
To deliver and support a regular group activity during the week
Paid for sessions/time undertaken during a month

Purpose of Post

To deliver and support a range of group activities that improve the health and wellbeing of people living in the Darnall and Tinsley areas.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Identifying and understanding health and wellbeing needs in Darnall Ward
  • Engaging a broad range of existing and new beneficiaries (all ages, abilities, ethnicities, etc.) and increasing the number of local people ‘moving more’ on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis
  • Delivering and supporting activities each week or as and when required (e.g. Health Walk and Chairobics sessions)
  • Ensuring appropriate reporting, monitoring and evaluation of activities, including providing updates as and when required
  • When the opportunity arises to support with Public Health campaign messaging
  • Support Darnall Well Being team in carrying out consultation in partnership with other organisations (i.e Sheffield City Council)
  • Undertake all necessary training relevant to the role, e.g. Adult Safeguarding, First Aid.

This is not an exhaustive list of duties and may be subject to change due to organisational priorities.

All aspects of the role must be carried out in line with health and safety guidelines, applying equal opportunities policies, adhering to agreed protocol and procedures when working with activity groups, always ensuring the confidentiality of the service and users.

The successful candidate will work in the Darnall, Tinsley and Acres Hill areas of Sheffield (S9).

We are looking for someone who enjoys working with people to support them making a difference to their health and wellbeing, well organised and able to act on their own initiative. This is a fantastic opportunity to join an exceptional team and an organisation with good standing both locally and citywide.

To make an informal enquiry or to request an application pack, please contact:

Jo Hopkinson or Yvonne Witter on 0114 249 6315 (Monday to Thursday)
OR email
Closing date:
Applications to be received via email by midnight Saturday 10th September 2022.
Interviews scheduled for Tuesday 13th September 2022.
Ideal start date – 19th September 2022.

Community Connector – Summer 2022

page 1 of Community Connector newsletter summer 2022

The latest edition of the Community Connector is out for delivery all over Darnall ward now!

page 1 of Community Connector newsletter summer 2022

We always enjoy putting together this community newsletter with other local organisations – Tinsley Forum, St Mary’s Community Hub, Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park and Attercliffe & Darnall Centre of Mission. There’s plenty of content from all around the area, including activities and support available over the school summer holidays – and it will be delivered to every household in Darnall ward, so will be accessible to all!

If you have content that you’d like to share in a future edition, please contact us by email at and we will be in touch when we’re putting the next newsletter together.

Download the Community Connector here:

Or read it online below:

page 1 of Community Connector newsletter summer 2022
page 2 of Community Connector newsletter summer 2022
page 3 of Community Connector newsletter summer 2022
page 4 of Community Connector newsletter summer 2022
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page 16 of Community Connector newsletter summer 2022

Holiday Activities & Food – Summer 2022

Sheffield Healthy Holidays logo

We are coordinating Healthy Activities & Food sessions once again in Darnall and Tinsley for children eligible for income-based free school meals, as one of Manor & Castle Development Trust’s partners. During summer 2022, we will be running free sport and creative activities, with food provided, at EIS, Darnall Library and Tinsley Allotment in partnership with: On The Move, Ignite imaginations, Darnall Library, Steamworks, and Tinsley Allotment. More details on the posters below:

Please get in touch with DWB or On The Move for more information and to book a place (for children 5-15 years old in full time education; children eligible for free school meals will be prioritised): Sofia Gkika (DWB) 07825288580, or Lee Smith (On The Move) 07817699563,

Move More Month 2022

Move More Month flyer

We always like to get involved and get active for Move More Month – and this June is no exception!

As well as our regular groups providing ways to get active, we have a number of extra activities available to book this June. From Green Social Prescribing walks by the canal, at Millhouses Park and at Longshaw Estate in the Peak District, to taster sessions at the English Institute of Sport and various women’s wellbeing activities in Tinsley every Thursday in June – we have something for everyone! And we’ll be at the Olympic Legacy in Action event at Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park on Saturday 18th June, too. Look out for members of our team providing information, as well as running craft and physical activities throughout the day!

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – June 2022

people seated and standing in a church hall decorated with Union Jack bunting

A number of our groups have really enjoyed celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in Darnall and Handsworth this June!

There were 2 celebration events at our On The Plot sessions at the allotment, for people with Dementia and their carers. As well as creating royalty-themed art work, at the first session, they talked about what they could remember about the Coronation and about the Silver Jubilee. And at the second, participants shared what they had seen of the weekend’s Jubilee celebrations, whilst enjoying a strawberry cream tea.

Another allotment event, for the whole community, was held at Darnall Allotment Project on Friday 3rd June. Over several hours, on a beautiful, sunny day, fifty people came along to the allotment to enjoy food and games together, whilst celebrating the Platinum Jubilee and exploring the community allotment space and everything that’s being grown there.

Finally, our Making Memories Dementia Cafe in Handsworth held their own Platinum Jubilee afternoon tea at St Mary’s Community Hub. Everyone joined in with fairground games like Hook a Duck and a coconut shy, as well as plenty of Union Jack themed fun – and of course, a royal afternoon tea! There was even live music, thanks to Donna Bell, a local vocalist from Handsworth.

We had some lovely feedback about all the events, including this email from 2 attendees at the Making Memories celebration:

Jo, I would just like to say thank you so much for the Jubilee celebration at St Mary’s community Hub. You made us feel so welcome. Such a pity mum was not up to coming. We will definitely be back in two weeks time. Please pass on my thanks to all your team for all there hard work it is very much appreciated. Thanks again for all you have done and continue to do.

Mum says thanks for the treats.

Dementia Cafe attendees

Darnall Well Being AGM

We will be reporting on the activity that took place between April 2020 and the end of March 2021. 

Darnall Well Being is holding its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 19th May 2022, 4-5pm

We will be following the usual business format of an AGM.  We hope to be able to hold an in person AGM later this year, covering the period April 2021 to March 2022.

If you would like to join us on 19th May, please contact us on and we will send you the Zoom details.

Healthy Holidays – Easter 2022

2 children sitting at a table, painting clay figures

Darnall Well Being coordinated four Sheffield Healthy Holidays activities over the 2022 Easter holidays, funded by the Holiday Activities & Food programme.

Bunting made by children in Tinsley

All 71 places were filled by children who live in the S9 area and are on free school meals, the majority of whom go to primary school. We were supported in providing these sessions by STEAMWorks and Ignite Imaginations, and we worked with local venues Darnall Library, Tinsley Community Allotment and Kickabout Sheffield to run the sessions. Some of our staff and volunteers went along to support the activities, supervise, and hand out free, healthy lunch bags to all children who attended, too. We also supported Phillimore Primary School to organise two 4 hour activity sessions for local children.

In the first week of the holidays, children came to Darnall Library, where they made and painted plaster figures with support from Ignite Imaginations.

Children also came to Tinsley Community Allotment to take part in activities there, including decorating their own bunting together and planting seeds, supported by STEAMWorks.

In the second week of the holidays, the children enjoyed making slime and playing football at Kickabout Sheffield.

Healthy lunches

As well as giving out healthy lunch bags to every child, we also gave their families information about how to eat healthily, including these leaflets from Public Health England:

Community Connector April 2022

printed pages from a newsletter on a table

The latest edition of the Community Connector newsletter is out now!

printed pages from a newsletter on a table
Getting the newsletter ready for the printers

A new edition of the Community Connector, containing sixteen pages of news, information and support in the local area, will be delivered to all households in Darnall ward over the next couple of weeks. This has been put together by local organisations Darnall Well Being, Tinsley Forum, Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park, St Albans House Christian Community, St Mary’s Community Hub, along with Darnall resident Shabir Aziz and the East Sheffield Local Area Committee.

In this edition, there is content from almost forty different groups and organisations, with new contributors including Darnall Community Gospel Choir, FACES (Family Adult Community Education Service), Manor Darnall Health Visiting Team and the new Darnall Environment Group. Some of the content has been translated by volunteers into Urdu, Somali, Arabic, Slovak and Bengali We hope there’s something for everyone to read and enjoy!

Look out for your copy coming through the letterbox – or you can read it online here:

Community Connector April 2022 p1
Community Connector April 2022 p2
Community Connector April 2022 p3
Community Connector April 2022 p4
Community Connector April 2022 p5
Community Connector April 2022 p6
Community Connector April 2022 p7
Community Connector April 2022 p8
Community Connector April 2022 p9
Community Connector April 2022 p10
Community Connector April 2022 p11
Community Connector April 2022 p12
Community Connector April 2022 p13
Community Connector April 2022 p14
Community Connector April 2022 p15
Community Connector April 2022 p16

Holiday Activities & Food

a pink wooden heart being held in a child's hands

February Half Term 2022

Darnall Well Being coordinated four Holiday Activities and Food sessions in Darnall and Tinsley during February half term 2022. In collaboration with local partners, we provided a mix of sports and craft activities for local children on free school meals. Ninety-one places were taken in total!

With our partners at the English Institute of Sport, Church of Christ in Darnall and Kickabout Football Centre in Tinsley, we helped children to enjoy free sessions in crafts, football, table tennis and basketball, amongst other sports! All the sessions also provided the children with a healthy lunch bag, to give them plenty of energy, along with some Morrisons vouchers for their families and some information about reducing sugar in our diets, thanks to Sheffield Is Sweet Enough.

Coming up in the Easter holidays, we’re looking forward to offering more FREE activities in 3 different places around the area. More details in the posters below. Contact us direct to book – first come, first served!

Sheffield is Sweet Enough

Feed Your Family for Less poster

We are glad to be working with the Sheffield is Sweet Enough project, working with our community to help people learn more about sugar – how and why to reduce it in their own diets, and in the diets of their families.

Sugar is becoming a real problem in Sheffield and we want to help the community get on top of this problem and reduce our sugar intake. A few facts and figures about why sugar is an issue in our city:

  • 65% of adults in Sheffield are overweight or obese (304,953 people).
  • In 2015/16 almost 1 in 4 children were overweight or obese when they started school.
  • In 2015/16, 1 in 3 of 10-11 year olds were overweight or obese. With children in deprived communities being twice as likely to be overweight or obese.
  • The most deprived communities in Sheffield are eating the least healthily.

The aim of the Sheffield is Sweet Enough campaign is to help everyone in Sheffield to eat as well as possible, and to have healthy weight and diet across our population. To help with that, the DWB team are giving out information leaflets and talking to people about sugar at our group and one to one sessions in Darnall and Tinsley. Sheffield is Sweet Enough have put together posters to alert people to some of the issues with too much sugar, and where it may be hidden.

Sheffield Is Sweet Enough have also developed a dedicated campaign website – – which contains lots of useful information and guidance, such as:

  • How much sugar is too much?
  • Impacts of eating too much sugar across different age ranges
  • Information on hidden sugars
  • Family friendly sugar swap ideas and recipes
  • Downloadable materials

And they have this helpful leaflet, to give the lowdown on sugar, how much is too much, and how we can help our children to eat less of it.

We have plenty of these to give out – you can download it here, or contact us for a paper copy:

The Feed Your Family For Less booklet

There’s also this brilliant Feed Your Family For Less booklet, packed with helpful tips and recipes to make it easier and cheaper to feed your family healthy meals. You can download it below:

There are also hints and tips about making healthy food swaps from the NHS on their website here.

We’d love to hear from anyone in our community who has made some healthy swaps after learning about these issues with sugar. Please contact us if you’d like to share anything you’ve learned or changed!

Community Connector – Winter 2021

Community Connector Nov 2021 p1

The latest edition of Community Connector has been printed and is out for delivery!

Every household in Darnall ward (over 6,000 of them!) should receive their copy of the Community Connector through their letterbox in the next month. Full of news, activities and opportunities in the local area, there is lots to read about, with content from more local groups and organisations than ever before!

We have worked with St Albans House Christian Community, Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park, Tinsley Forum, St Mary’s Community Hub in Handsworth and local resident Shabir Aziz on pulling together content from all around our area. We were particularly happy that pupils from High Hazels Academy were able to contribute some writing about the much-loved Lantern Parade for this edition – what great writing and creative talents they have shown on page 10!

We hope you enjoy our latest newsletter for the whole community – and if you have any suggestions for items we could include next time, please let us know.

Printed copies will also be available to pick up from a number of locations in the area – plus you can download the Community Connector or read it online below:

World Diabetes Day 2021

World Diabetes day logo

Did you know that 14th November was World Diabetes Day?

The date this year marked 100 years since the discovery of a treatment that has saved millions of lives around the world – insulin. To mark the occasion, we are writing to everyone we support who is living with diabetes locally, to share some information that we hope they will find helpful and remind them of the support that is out there for them.

We sent them this Diabetes UK flyer, which gives some good reminders about managing diabetes during Covid-19, particularly as restrictions change.

We also wanted to remind them about Sheffield Diabetes UK, who are a friendly and helpful local support group. They hold monthly meetings on the third Thursday of each month. Currently, they meet online, with some meetings in person. They offer support to anyone affected by diabetes. Anyone is welcome to get in touch with them or go to their meetings, and there are no membership fees. Their website: contains lots of useful information to help managing with diabetes. They can be contacted by email: or by phone: 0742 938 5554.

Sheffield Diabetes UK also now have a Facebook group which you can join by going to this link:

Art on the Allotment

photo of 2 men talking and doing artwork at allotment

Thanks to a grant from the JG Graves Trust we were happy to be able to offer a series of creative sessions over Summer 2021 at Darnall Allotment Project.

photo of group of people in sunshine at allotment with artwork
Participants sharing their artwork

Twenty seven people joined us over the course of six 2 hour sessions, creating all kinds of beautiful content: paintings, drawings, poetry and needlework. Watercolours, pastels, crayons, acrylic paints, chalks and oil paints were used on boards and canvases to create the artworks, and at three of the sessions, the participants also enjoyed sharing in produce from the allotment and tasting different foods. All the sessions also incorporated memory and reminiscence work, to build in a level of support for participants with Dementia. Participants were from a variety of different ethnic groups, and 70% of those attending stated that they have carer responsibilities.

In addition to everyone who came along in person, four participants had ‘Art Goodie Bags’ dropped off to their homes, to enable them to join in whilst they were unable to attend sessions in person.

photo of bags of craft supplies
Art Goodie Bags ready to be delivered

So much was done at these sessions that we’ve made a short video to share what everyone got up to! Why not take a couple of minutes to have a look? We’re sure it will brighten your day!

Some of the participants were so enthusiastic about the sessions that, even though the initial funding has now run out, they are continuing to meet and run the sessions. If you would like to take part, or if you know someone who would, please contact us for more information about how to join them.

Feedback on the sessions

I would just like to say a big thank you to you for this excellent piece of work, the planning and attention to detail, hospitality and friendship has made such a difference to my life and that of my wife and granddaughter who cares for me in my forgetfulness.  I have come to life with my drawings!

Mr James Storey

I couldn’t attend straight away it took time to build up my confidence in coming out again, but I did it! I have thoroughly enjoyed this and my art bag…. Thank you


This has made such a difference to my wellbeing, I don’t want this to end!

Art on the Allotment participant

Brilliant, just brilliant!

Art on the Allotment participant

We hope to be back with more of these sessions next year!

World Suicide Prevention Day

Take time to reach out this World Suicide Prevention Day – 10th September 2021.

To support our community and raise awareness about suicide prevention, we have put together these flyers using information from the International Association for Suicide Prevention, and shared them with local businesses, for people to pick up and take away. We’re also sharing them with our group members and 1-1 referrals. Please note that the links shown on the flyer will all work if you download the flyer using the link below – they will not work directly from the pictures.

DWB Covid-19 Response and Approach: Keeping our Communities Safe

Update for colleagues, partners and beneficiaries – August 2021

From the very start of the pandemic, DWB has put the safety and wellbeing of the organisation and community as our top priority.

The rules around Covid-19 and the law changed from 19th July, and again from 16th August. 

Despite the easing of many legal restrictions, which means

  • there is no legal requirement to wear a face covering in England (19th July),
  • double-vaccinated people do not have to isolate if they come in to contact with some who has tested positive for Covid (16th Aug),

national and local government still expects and recommends that people to continue to wear a face covering in crowded or enclosed spaces and DWB will continue to ask staff and beneficiaries to stay at home if they have recently developed symptoms, tested positive or identified as a contact for Covid-19.

Sheffield Public Health team and Voluntary Community Sector are taking a more cautionary approach than central government.

Infection rates remain quite high in Sheffield, compared to other parts of the UK and at the same time, significant levels of the population have yet to either have their first or second vaccination dose. 

Even when fully vaccinated, people may still contract Covid-19, become unwell or pass it on to others who may be more vulnerable.  Removing the safety nets of mask-wearing and social distancing risks the emergence of new variants that are vaccine-resistant.

We are mindful of the differences in how people may feel about the changes but ask that our beneficiaries and partners continue to wear face coverings and keep social distancing measures in place when attending our group or 1-1 sessions.

We are adding to our existing best practice by requesting booking prior to some activities – even those outside – to ensure consistency and record-keeping. We understand that this may feel new or different to some people.  We thank you for cooperation with this.

To protect the most vulnerable children, young people and adults in our community, we will continue to support and encourage our team to:

  • Stay at home and get tested if they have symptoms or have come in to direct contact with someone with Covid –  vital tools for limiting Covid’s spread
  • Benefit from a flexible mix of home-working and time-tabled return to office
  • Ventilate indoor settings by keeping windows and doors open
  • Maintain social distancing where practical
    • This may mean we have to reduce the numbers in groups to ensure we can keep a distance from one another.
  • Wear a face mask in indoor settings when moving around, if not exempt
    • This helps protect against infection but also positively contributes to social norms; making it ok for people who still want to wear a mask and help reassure those who may fear going out if others were unmasked.
  • Maintain regular handwashing, enhanced hygiene and cleaning practices
  • Promote the benefits of getting double-vaccinated for the individual and wider community (as well as significantly reducing their risk of getting ill with Covid or suffering from Long Covid, a vaccinated person is also about 70/75% less likely to pass on Covid).
    • As well as promoting benefits of getting tested if displaying symptoms.
  • Offer community activity outdoors or remotely, in preference to indoors – making use of helpful alternatives like online (zoom) sessions, doorstop visits and phone calls, walks etc.
    • We will continue to develop our approach and plans for indoor activity going forward (such as volunteer training or small group sessions and meetings), where there is a clear service need, appropriate venue and reduced risk.

The above measures will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, either gradually easing or becoming stricter, subject to the global, national and local Covid-19 context, scientific guidance and best practice.

The above also helps to maintain service continuity. The more we work together to limit the spread of Covid 19, the more we can continue to deliver activity with fewer disruptions.

Thank you for working with us to help keep our communities safe.

The Darnall Well Being team

How To Get Your Vaccine

flyer advertising vaccinations in Darnall

NHS Sheffield CCG put together this helpful leaflet for our summer activity packs, with plenty of information about getting your Covid-19 vaccine in our area.

flyer advertising vaccinations in Darnall

You do not have to be registered with a GP in order to get your Covid-19 vaccine. This letter gives more information about your rights and can be shown to a GP if needed:

If you need help to book or access your vaccine, please contact us and we can help. If you have questions about vaccines, you can talk to one of our Health & Wellbeing workers about them – or have a look at the useful links available on our website here.

And if you want to know how to prove that you have had your vaccine after getting it, this letter gives more details about what to do: