Health Trainer Darnall Well Being Case Study
Client: Mrs A, aged 52
Referral source: Practice Nurse
Nature of health need:
Mrs A lives in Darnall with her family. She is a carer for her son and part time worker. She was referred by the Practice Nurse for support with weight loss and increasing physical activity to manage her health conditions.
She suffered from high blood pressure for more than 20 years and was obese. Mrs A needed help with:
- Increasing Fruit and vegetable intake.
- Healthy eating and portion size.
- Eating 3 regular meals especially breakfast.
- Reducing red meat intake.
- Swapping high fat dairy food to low fat.
- Increasing her water intake.
- Increasing physical activity.
- Cutting down unhealthy snacks.
Change in Behaviour:
With the help of our Health Trainer, Mrs A was able to explore her lifestyle, setting new goals and then reviewing them at the next session. This not only resulted in her making alterations to her diet but also enabled her to have the confidence to apply her knowledge to her daily life. She was very motivated to make a change in her lifestyle.
Mrs A achieved her personal health plan goals and made significant changes to her wellbeing, so that she lost 3 stone since she started to see the Health Trainer.
She has achieved small goals, such as :
- Diet changed – reduced portion sizes.
- Diet changed – reduced red meat intake to once a week.
- Diet changed – now eats breakfast regularly.
- Increased fruit intake to 2 portions and vegetables to 5 portions per day.
- Increased water intake up to 2 litres per day.
- Increased physical activity – doing more walking (15 minutes, 3 times per week) and also swimming and using different exercise machines in the gym.
Patient Perspective:
I needed advice, I didn’t know how to approach a healthy lifestyle. The meeting with my Health Trainer allowed me to think about myself and focus on myself and develop so many new skills (understanding calories, food labels, portion size and eating more regularly, especially breakfast).
Mrs A
I made a lot of changes, just living a better lifestyle, I can see a future and I have got a plan for the future, which involves me looking better and being healthier.
I have noticed a big difference in my life, as I have started to get my confidence and life back.
The change in my diet and increasing my exercise has made a big difference, and I could not have done it without health trainer help and support.