We are a dementia friendly organisation, with a number of our staff and volunteers having taken the Dementia Friends training, provided by the Alzheimer’s Society.

The sessions below are specifically for people living with dementia and their carers, but please be aware that all of our activities are accessible to people living with dementia – we just ask that you make us aware of any requirements before you arrive, and that you bring your carer along where possible.
We run regular Dementia Cafes in Handsworth and Darnall. As part of Dementia Action Week in May 2022, some of our volunteers and people who come along talked to us about what our dementia cafes mean to them:
Making Memories Dementia Cafe
Our Dementia memory cafe at St Mary’s Community Hub is a great opportunity to meet others for a friendly chat, a cuppa and some fun activities, along with hearing from guest speakers. To help us to manage numbers, we do ask that you register with us before coming along – more information about the sessions on the poster below.

Happy Memories Dementia Cafe in Darnall with Language Support
Having launched in February 2022, we also run a monthly Dementia Cafe in Darnall, which provides hot drinks, cakes and activities like we have in Handsworth, but also offers language support for those who need it. Regular language support is available for Urdu and Somali speakers, but we can help with other languages, too. Please contact us if you would like to come along.

Carers’ Support Group
Our carers’ support group started in 2021 on Zoom, and moved to in person sessions from September 2023. Carers find these groups a really helpful way of feeling supported and understood by others in similar situations. If you’re a carer for someone with Dementia and you’d like to join the sessions or find out more, please contact us.

JoJanGles Music Focus Group
This group meets every two weeks, with the sole purpose of sharing and enjoying music together. Attendees are people living with Dementia and their carers, and they listen to a wide variety of music together, often singing along to favourites suggested by different members of the group.
We started a Music Focus Group as part of a research project being done in partnership with the University of Sheffield. Findings from the research are shared in this video and on the website below.

On The Plot
For the past few years, we have offered Dementia-friendly sessions at the community allotment in Darnall in the warmer months with Darnall Allotment Project. This was an opportunity to get involved with all sorts of tasks around the allotment, from planting and weeding to harvesting and planning, as well as try out different creative activities. We are considering plans for 2025 after the closure of the Infield Lane allotment site.

Dementia Support in other languages
Enrichment for the Elderly and NHS Sheffield CCG have put together these videos, to help address a number of common questions about dementia diagnosis and support, including:
- Why should I get diagnosed with dementia?
- What support can I get?
- What can I do if someone I know has dementia?
- Am I a dementia carer?
These and other questions are answered in these short videos, made in both Urdu and Arabic:
Dementia Friends Training
Jo-Anne van Levesley is one of our Senior Health & Wellbeing Workers and she delivers Dementia Friends training. Contact us for more information about booking onto Dementia Friends training with Jo.

Age UK Sheffield Dementia Services
We are pleased to work with Age UK Sheffield in delivering our Dementia support. Information about their services is available on their website:
Sheffield Directory
There is more information about Dementia support available all around the city of Sheffield on the Sheffield Directory here: www.sheffielddirectory.org.uk/dementia
Sheffield Dementia Action Alliance

We are members of this citywide organisation, who are working to establish Sheffield as a dementia friendly city. Sheffield Dementia Action Alliance work alongside local businesses and organisations to raise awareness of dementia by offering support and training. For more information on the Dementia Friendly Sheffield project, click here. There’s a diverse range of industries involved – businesses, solicitors, health and social care providers, shops and social groups. If your organisation or business would like to join this citywide social movement, Jo at Darnall Well Being can support you in signing up. Please contact Jo on 0114 249 6315 or jo@darnallwellbeing.org.uk. After signing up, you will be entitled to support from SDAA via Zoom, telephone and Dementia Friends sessions, and a dementia-friendly toolkit.
Dementia Support in Sheffield
More information about dementia support around the city of Sheffield is available here: Sheffield Directory Dementia
And advice about living with dementia or supporting someone with dementia is available here: Dementia Advice Sheffield
Dementia day activities around the city are listed in the leaflets below: