Saada has been a Wellbeing Champion with Darnall Well Being for five years. During that time, she has supported numerous activities, including Darnall Well Being’s green social prescribing walks and women’s fun football sessions. Saada is also one of our first two digital champions, helping to run an IT drop-in at our Welcome Place based at Darnall Primary Care Centre on Tuesdays.
Saada has grown in experience and confidence during her time with us, and has become a Peer Mentor to new volunteers, supporting and encouraging them in their roles. Saada has also been involved with the organising of the volunteer group supervision meetings with the Volunteer Coordinator. This has involved arranging venues, activities, booking speakers and providing refreshments for the group.
The main reason for me to volunteer is to improve my self-esteem and I also enjoy meeting people and helping them. I support the community health walks every Monday. Also, we have the Dementia café in Darnall that I’m involved in – I support people living with Dementia and I also provide language assistance. I also support different activities and events whenever I can.
Saada Sharif

(Saada 3rd from right)
As well as all of the above, Saada has also been a Community Champion since the start of the Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Champions initiative. This programme involves volunteers supporting their communities by sharing official Covid-19 & Vaccine information and helping people access services, such as vaccine clinics and other health or community services.

By being a Community Champion, I’ve learned a lot of things. I‘ve gained a lot of experience and new skills and completed so many training courses that have given me confidence to believe in myself. So that’s what I wanted, but I got more than I expected – I became a very positive person and I love helping people in everything I do, I just love it.
Saada Sharif
Saada is welcoming and friendly, and always has a smile on her face and puts her community first. The support that Saada offers to other volunteers and to our staff is really valued. She is always looking to improve herself through training and trying new experiences, with improving the lives of others at the forefront of her mind. Through her volunteering in the community, Saada has become a vital part of the vibrant fabric that makes up Darnall.
Saada is an exceptional person. She has attended training to build knowledge and skills in supporting people with the Dementia / Memory Café. She has a quiet, personable approach for getting alongside people and enabling them to make a difference!
Jo Anne Van Levesley – Senior Health and Wellbeing Worker