Darnall Well Being Staff and Trustees

Darnall Well Being Team

DWB team smiling to camera
The team, including our sessional workers

Our team has a combined total of over 130 years working for Darnall Well Being. Between us, we were born in 10 different countries and we speak 14 different languages.

Our Casual Workers, who support our group activities

Our Trustees

photo of woman standing at a podium
Dr Janet Harris, DWB trustee

Dr Janet Harris

Acting Chair

Janet is a public health professional who has worked in the field of community organisation for over 30 years.

photo of Jack Czauderna, DWB founder
Jack Czauderna, DWB founder

Jack Czauderna

Jack has been a family doctor for most of his working life. He was a GP in Darnall for nearly 30 years and founded Darnall Well Being over 20 years ago. Jack remains very influenced by the famous ‘Peckham Experiment’ (1935 – 1950) into the nature of health, and felt that it was not enough to treat disease and care for the sick, but that primary care should also have a responsibility for the health of the communities it serves. He was the Chair of Darnall Well Being for a long time, and it has grown and developed to meet the needs of its communities. Jack feels privileged to remain a DWB trustee.

photo of smiling woman
Rev Gina Kalsi

Gina Kalsi

Gina is a priest in the Church of England and is living in Attercliffe, as part of a new Christian community in the area.  She is interested in spiritual wellbeing using mindfulness and meditation and is passionate about using creativity and art to develop community and build cohesion.

Mark Gamsu, DWB trustee
Mark Gamsu

Mark Gamsu

Mark Gamsu is a professor at Leeds Beckett University and a trustee for Citizens Advice Sheffield. He has an interest in local democracy and health inequalities, working in the field of local health systems, the voluntary sector and active citizenship.

Mothiur Rahman

Riyam Shaief Al-Khaily

Matt Jarvis – Website Development