Healthy Holidays – Winter 2020

photo of tins and cartons of food

DWB were happy to support Healthy Holidays again in Christmas 2020, thanks to funding from People Keeping Well.

We worked in partnership with five local schools – Tinsley Meadows, High Hazels Academy, Phillimore, Acres Hill and Oasis Academy Don Valley to identify families to receive the food hampers and activity packs. Forty two families were identified by schools, with a further eighteen by DWB. These hampers will reach a total of one hundred and seventy-six children this Christmas.

The hampers contained the ingredients for four meals, along with recipes to cook simple, healthy family meals: omelette, pasta and tuna, vegetable curry and jacket potato. The activity packs included board games and Christmas themed colouring sheets and puzzles.

The Community Champions at Morrisons Catcliffe were very supportive and generous in helping us get the contents of the hampers together. The hampers were then packed by some of our staff and volunteers over the weekend of 12th and 13th December. A huge thank you to everyone who helped us do this, including Graham from Tinsley Forum and Kinder from Attercliffe & Darnall Centre of Mission, who helped deliver the hampers to the five schools!

They came and are lovely. Our families were very grateful. Thank you to you and all the staff who made this possible.

Alison Blakemore, Deputy Head, Phillimore Community Primary School

The schools distributed the hampers directly to families at each school, and DWB staff distributed to other families we identified who would really benefit from receiving one. We were happy to be sent a photo of the first meal cooked by one Tinsley family almost as soon as they received their hamper!

photo of pan full of cooked pasta
Pasta cooked by a family in Tinsley, using hamper ingredients and recipe

Just wanted to say thank you for the food parcels – our families were thrilled. The parcels will be a big help to families over the Christmas break.

Shanaz Begum, Pastoral Officer, High Hazels Academy

We will be back delivering Healthy Holidays in the February half-term, when we hope to also be delivering some face to face activities. Watch this space!

The Community Connector

colourful C - the logo for the Community Connector

Community Newsletter for Darnall Ward

A group of local organisations in the Darnall ward have been working in partnership this winter on a newsletter for the benefit of the whole community. If you live in Attercliffe, Darnall, Tinsley and Handsworth, watch out for the first edition of The Community Connector arriving week commencing 14th December! All the pages are available to view further down this page – or you can download a copy to print here:

Darnall Well Being came together with Darnall Forum, Tinsley Forum, Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park, Sheffield City Council East Local Area Partnership, the local Primary Care Network and St Albans House Christian Community on planning, writing and editing this newsletter, so that we could share useful information and help people connect to what is happening in their local area. As well as updates from Darnall and Tinsley Allotments and The Source Academy, there are good news stories from around our area, along with helpful information from the NHS about the flu vaccine and about Covid-19 symptoms and testing – in a number of community languages.

photo of pebbles painted with Christmas images
Some of the #CommunityConnector painted pebbles

Painted Pebble Hunt

To encourage people to get out and about over the winter months, there is also a 12 Days of Christmas MoveMore calendar, and we’ve set up a painted pebble hunt in four local parks. 200 colourful pebbles have been hidden in High Hazels Park, Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park, Tinsley Green and Handsworth Community Park. If you find one, we’d love you to take a photo and share it on social media, tagging @darnallwb and using the hashtag #CommunityConnector.

Our top tip for finding them is to search high and low for them – they could be under benches, on trees, below bushes or on playground equipment!

The Community Connector – December 2020

Community Connector Newsletter p1
Community Connector Newsletter p3
Community Connector Newsletter p2
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Community Connector Newsletter p16

World Diabetes Day 2020

World Diabetes Day logo

14th November 2020 is World Diabetes Day, so we want to share with you some of the Diabetes support that we have continued to provide throughout Covid-19.

World Diabetes Day logo

In March 2020, we had to stop our Diabetes group meetings, along with all of our other face to face activities. However, our Health and Wellbeing Workers have remained in regular contact with the Diabetes group ever since, to make sure they were coping well and managing Diabetes with all the additional stress around them during Covid-19.

Our service has also remained open for those who need it most, so we have continued to receive new referrals from different sources (both medical and social), requesting support to help people to manage Diabetes.

Our Health and Wellbeing Workers support people with Diabetes in a variety of ways, according to each individual’s needs and abilities. Some people need information on how to manage or prevent Diabetes, so we are able to provide them up to date information and uesful links. Others need more than just information, so where possible, we’ve been providing online one to one support via WhatsApp or Zoom. At these sessions, we’ve been able to share our resources and information, and support clients in setting realistic and achievable goals for Diabetes self-management

We’ve had some lovely feedback from some of the people we’ve supported during this time:

Really great job you are doing, we feel supported and get help when we need.

Thank you , I feel prevention is what I can do for myself from Diabetes , I will keep in touch if I need more information our struggling.

Client who we recently helped with Volunteer language support via WhatsApp)

When the Practice nurse referred me to you to lose weight and  manage Diabetes, I thought how will it work in this critical time and lockdown? But DWB found the best way to support me. I appreciate the help and support I get – thank you.

Mrs W;  

Some useful information and links to Diabetes UK Sheffield are attached below for you to use:

Are you winter lockdown ready?

Colourful pie chart containing ideas for preparing for winter

As the days get shorter and we approach the second national lockdown, we wanted to share some thoughts on how we can all prepare for coping with this as well as possible.

Colourful pie chart containing ideas for preparing for winter
Ideas for preparing for winter lockdown

Our Volunteer worker, Sarah, created the beautiful wheel of ideas above – why not see if you can do something for each colour on the wheel?

Self care Suggestions

photo of sunshine on fields and trees
High Hazels Park walk in the sunshine

Here are a few thoughts from us here at Darnall Well Being on handling lockdown number 2:

You got through the first one – you can get through this one

Reflect and learn from your experiences last time

With winter mornings and evenings, it will feel tougher, so try and take a break and get some sunlight whilst you can.

This won’t last forever, even if it feels like it right now.

It’s totally normal to feel anxious or sad, no matter what your circumstances

Be kind to yourself

Winter Preparation

To help everyone make sure they are ready for the colder weather, Ahsan, one of our fabulous volunteers, has helpfully put together this little booklet with ideas of things to do to get ready for winter.

Remember that Darnall Well Being are still here for you

Email, phone 0114 249 6315 or text/call: 07946 320 808 for any of the following:

  • Covid Community Hub – offering telephone advice and information
  • Regular wellbeing phone calls and doorstep visits where possible, for those that need it the most
  • Regular activity packs through the post
  • Regular (Zoom) conference calls for our volunteers – with the prospect of more opportunities to connect online for our group members before long.
  • Link Workers can still offer one to one support for people with long-term conditions like diabetes and chronic pain management, help with improving physical and mental wellbeing, as well as signposting to other services where needed.

New Ways November

And finally, you could use this month to try out some new ways of looking at things, using the calendar below from Action for Happiness – see what a difference it could make to how you feel!

Calendar of positive ideas for November 2020
Action for Happiness – New Ways November Calendar

Volunteer Viewpoint – Sue Griffiths

photo of people wearing masks, carrying boxes of food
photo of people wearing masks, carrying boxes of food
Sue Griffiths (far left), with others from DWB on the Healthy Holidays project

It has been great to be part of the Healthy Holidays project
with DWB. After being in lockdown since March it was my
first contact with the public and also DWB’s first face to
face project. I played a part in the distribution of hampers
by welcoming families, ensuring social distancing and
sanitising were rules were followed, and face coverings
were worn. Being part of a small team of volunteers,
working with Shide, gave me the opportunity to see the
dedication and care DWB give to volunteers, as well as to
service users. I’ve always known this, as I have been
involved with DWB for many years and benefited from their
training and opportunities. Working on the project, has not
only helped me to overcome my own health restrictions,
but helping the most vulnerable families in the community,
working alongside other volunteers, has been an important
first step for everyone involved; a shared experience in
these strange times. New friends have been made, new
skills learned, and I look forward to the next steps with

Day in the life – Milda Hameed

Photo of woman sitting by a fountain
Photo of woman sitting by a fountain
Milda Hameed

I work as Business and Finance Support Officer at Darnall
Well Being, which most of you might think is a boring job.
But not here! It is never boring at Darnall Well Being, as no
two days are the same. Yes, most of my duties are desk
based, but when we’re in the office, I also get to interact with
our lovely volunteers, when they are staffing the DWB
enquiry desk, or I help support our activity groups if we are
slightly short on staff.
Since 23rd March, because of Covid 19, all of our team
started to work from home. And my working day couldn’t be
more different to what I was used to. Initially, I helped to
make staff comfortable to work from home, ordered extra
equipment we needed, and tried to support with any issues
that arose. The biggest challenge for me was (and I am sure
a lot of you can relate to this!) working from home – juggling home schooling for 3 children and trying to
protect my husband’s time, as he was also working from home.

Whilst the kids were at home, my day would start at 7.30, when I set up my work station on our dining table,
to be able to work in peace for about an hour and a half. Then it was breakfast time, where I was
surrounded by the kids with their bowls of cereal. After the breakfast chaos, all my working days were
similar, whether I was trying to juggle work with maths equations and English perfect tenses during the
school term, or with casual bake offs, constant negotiations and peace keeping skills during the holidays.
My favourite part of work during lockdown was making the activity packs, which we’ve been sending to all of
our users, as this was a way to still keep in touch with people in the community that we care about.

Flu Vaccinations 2020

Flu kills over 11,000 people every year, on average.

Some years it’s much more and it hospitalises many more each year.

This is anything but an average year.

As Covid-19 is likely to be circulating with flu, protecting those at high risk of flu, who are also those most vulnerable to hospitalisation as a result of Covid-19, is vitally important.

NHS 'Just The Flu?' poster

We think of it as ‘just the flu’.  But it’s a virus. It can cause severe complications, particularly amongst those at high risk. So when it comes to flu, there’s no ‘just’ about it.  

The flu virus spreads from person to person, even amongst those not showing any symptoms.

It can cause severe complications, particularly for high risk groups. Don’t put off getting the flu vaccination. If you’re eligible get it now. It’s free because you need it. Contact your GP or pharmacist to book an appointment.

Photo of worried red robot
Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay

Worried or Unsure About Getting a Flu Jab?

There’s lots more information and questions answered about the flu jab on the NHS Sheffield CCG website here.

Greg Fell, Sheffield’s Director of Public Health, has also made a video busting some common myths about the flu jab. You can watch it here:

We know there can be false stories shared online about vaccinations and that these can be worrying. You can always check the truth about online stories about vaccines via the independing fact checking website Full Fact.

The leaflets below are produced by the NHS and give information about the flu vaccine in different languages. Other translations are available on the Public Health England website.

New ‘Tier 3’ Covid-19 Restrictions for Sheffield

Update on Darnall Well Being Services – October 2020

South Yorkshire is moving to a Tier 3 “Very High” Covid restrictions area on Saturday 24th October.

We would like to reassure the community and partners that we will continue to deliver support during this time, in line with our workplace Covid risk assessments.

Support available from Darnall Well Being includes our:

  • Covid Community Hub – offering telephone advice and information
  • Regular wellbeing phone calls and doorstep visits where possible, for those that need it the most
  • Regular activity packs through the post
  • Regular (Zoom) conference calls for our volunteers – with the prospect of more opportunities to connect online for our group members before long.
  • Link Workers can still offer one to one support for people with long-term conditions like diabetes and chronic pain management, help with improving physical and mental wellbeing, as well as signposting to other services where needed.

To limit the spread of Covid-19, our indoor groups will remain suspended for now, but the team are working hard and talking with local people and partners, to plan what we can do safely outdoors and online to bring people together and stay well.   Some activity has already started including Ladies Cycling and volunteering sessions at two brilliant Allotment plots in the area.

We continue to monitor official announcements and guidance, making changes to our plans if needed.

Council support is available, including a £500 grant for people on low incomes needing to isolate and funding for people needing food. 

Look out for updates on our website and social media pages or contact us for more information, share your ideas or to get involved.

Ways to get in touch:


Phone: 0114 249 6315

or Text/Call: 07946 320 808

Remember – the basics matter.  We all have a role to play to help our community stay safe:  keep your distance, wash hands regularly, good ventilation, wear a face covering where needed, unless exempt.

Fun Palaces 2020

October 3rd and 4th is Fun Palaces 2020 Weekend. Fun Palaces is all about FUN and sharing what we do with our local community. Along with our partners at Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park and the Canal & River Trust, we’ve put together a number of mini Fun Palaces that are within Covid restrictions, but still enable the community to have fun!

Read on for an outline of each event:

Draw Your Own Fun Palace

Word art in a heart shape, using words related to community

Help make your community into a giant art gallery:

  1. Print the Scarecrow template below, decorate the Scarecrow, design a colourful outfit that will stand out and draw attention.
  2. Draw or paint a picture, that tells us what COMMUNITY means to you and how you feel about it.

Display your pictures in your front window to share with your friends and neighbours.

If you can, please take a photo of your pictures and email them to us at or post them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and tag us @darnallWB

(Prizes for the ones we enjoy most!)

Food and Flowers: Spot The Scarecrow

Phot of mini scarecrows with signs "Community Spirit Is...."
Spot scarecrows at Darnall Allotment Project

Located at Infield Lane, S9 4PE, behind High Hazels Park, Darnall Allotment Project invites you to explore the site and discover the fun you can have growing and eating your own fruit and vegetables

FREE seeds to plant and grow at home.

To book a slot on Sunday 4th October please ring 07495 548 929.

Children under 16 MUST be accompanied by an adult but everyone is welcome

Discovery Trails

High Hazels Park

Follow the map around one or both of our trails and discover more of Attercliffe and Darnall. Download the maps here:

Attercliffe Adventure

High Hazels Park

Follow one or both routes, and send us your photos and drawings of things you see on the way. Email or post them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and tag us @darnallWB 

(Prizes for the ones we enjoy most!)

Canal Canoeing Experience

Photo of people in canoes on the canal
Canoeing at last year’s Fun Palaces

Have you ever fancied trying canoeing? The Canal & River Trust are hosting FREE 1 hour sessions on Saturday the 3rd October on the canal near the Olympic Legacy Park.

To book your place and for more details please email Places are limited and on a first come first serve basis.  No experience necessary. This activity is suitable for children aged 8+ and adults of all ages. Children under 16 MUST be accompanied by an adult. This event is for pre-booked tickets only.

For more information about Fun Palaces in general and to search for other Fun Palaces, please visit their website.

Healthy Holidays – August 2020

photo of people wearing masks, carrying boxes of food
Video of Darnall Well Being’s involvement in Healthy Holidays

In August 2020, we worked in partnership with Manor & Castle Development Trust to deliver the Healthy Holidays project in Darnall and Tinsley.

The project operated from 4th – 25th August with 2 distribution centres – Church of Christ, Darnall and Tinsley Forum, Tinsley.

Staff and volunteers dedicated their time to supporting families by distributing food hampers and activity resources. All families received a cricket set, hula hoop or skipping rope alongside their hampers.

A total of 733 food hampers were distributed in Darnall and Tinsley. Families received fresh ingredients and 2 recipes each week for a different food theme – Mexican, Italian, Curry and English Omelette.

Families also attended sports activities which were delivered by Sheffield City Trust staff. SCT facilitated 2 hour sessions in Darnall and Tinsley on Wednesday and Thursday, providing the opportunity for families to enjoy playing football, cricket, athletics and basketball.

In Tinsley, other activities included free 1 hour cycling sessions for group of 5 children. Steam Works staff facilitated family workshops with parents and children, featuring different topics each week, such as programming with OZOBOTS (mini robots), slime making and bath bombs.

We were so happy to see the expressions on parents’ faces as they collected their hampers, with produce ready to prepare meals for their families. Watch our video to see more of what we got up to!

Update on our Services

This has been (and remains) an intense time for us.

We did not shut our doors during lockdown – in fact, though our usual face to face activity paused, the team have continued to work hard to maintain contact and provide alternative ways to support people to stay well, maintaining regular contact with our 1to1 clients and group beneficiaries where possible. 

If you feel you or someone you know would benefit from this support, please let us know

Please know that we are still here, doing our best to support the community remotely and maintain our Covid Community Hub phone line 07946 320 808 for those in need of a helping hand.  

The pandemic is in a new phase but it is still with us, affecting our day to day lives, the impact we all feel in many different ways.

DWB are navigating the next few months with the knowledge that we, our partners and beneficiaries will be at different stages of how they feel about what is happening and the need to move forward collectively is really important and to do this at the pace that feels right for us, to protect ourselves and community.  This pace may not always match people’s expectations.

We need to build time to reflect, for respite, to re-connect and to recognise what we are achieving.

The Summer has been exceptionally busy owing to the delivery and operational demands of the Healthy Holidays Project (part of a wider citywide delivery) and from the demands of engaging in the city’s Covid response.

Whilst we continue to suspend face to face delivery for now, we are planning and taking steps to build an activity offer that is manageable, safe and a positive experience to support people to stay well whilst we our community still grapples with a pandemic.

It is likely, however, that we will continue some new ways of working for the foreseeable future and are not able to restart everything the way it was before Covid 19 began.

We realise you may feel disappointed but we hope you understand we are acting in the best interests of our community.  We will make every effort to keep you informed.

A few highlights from over the past few months;

  • We have stayed in touch with 262 activity participants & 32 volunteers
  • Our Link workers have received  58 referrals from 5 GP surgeries
  • We’ve made 160 Food bank referrals
  • And in addition to the above, we’ve made regular contact from our EU Settled Status Project client list of 1,000 contacts
  • To the end of July 2020 we have taken 101 phone calls/emails through the community hub phone line.

Ways to stay informed:

  • You or a family member or friend could follow us on Social Media for regular updates.  Please search for @DarnallWB on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  • Check website regularly for the latest guidance
  • Sheffield’s voluntary sector has useful updates here:

Thank you for your continued support in this difficult and challenging time.

Work for DWB

Volunteer Coordinator

28 hours per week
Funding available for 4 years, ending August 2024
Annual Leave pro rata – 25 days plus bank holidays
Salary £21,166 pro rata

Are you passionate about community engagement and helping people develop their skills and reach their potential?

We are seeking a dynamic and committed Volunteer Coordinator

The post holder will:

  • Be responsible for the engagement and personal development of volunteers
  • Develop and adapt a volunteer led activity programme to include a digital element
  • Promoting and showcasing the volunteer programme

The successful candidate will work in the Darnall, Tinsley and Acres Hill areas of Sheffield (S9).

You will have a passion for engaging and motivating the community, excellent communication skills and strong, thorough organisation skills.

You will work in a way which empowers others to develop and fulfill their potential.

You will join a strong team of dedicated, skilled workers.

To make an informal enquiry or to request an application pack, please contact Natalie on 0114 249 6315 or email

For further information regarding Darnall Well Being please look at our website

Closing Date:
Midnight on Monday 7th September
Email Applications to

– Interviews scheduled for week commencing 14th September
– Ideal start date October

National Allotment Week

photo of runner beans growing

10th to 16th August 2020 marks National Allotment Week, which is a great opportunity for us to share some of the brilliant things that On The Plot participants have been growing!

We sent out “Let’s Get Growing!” packs to everyone who would normally come along to our Dementia-friendly sessions at Darnall Allotment Project, and it has been fantastic to see the results from our green-fingered friends. Thanks to Johnny, Cookie, Pat, Nikki, Verena and Bill for letting us share photos of what they have grown. We’d love to see more, if you have shots you’d like to send us!

photo of beets and lettuce growing
Bill and Verena’s beets and lettuce
photo of courgettes on plant
Cookie’s courgettes
photo of runner beans growing
Pat’s runner beans
photo of tomatoes growing
Tomatoes growing in pots
photo of begonias in bloom
Nikki’s begonias in bloom

As well as the vegetables and seeds we sent out in July, we also sent out sunflower seeds and instructions for growing them a couple of months ago, to enable people to join our sunflower growing competition. We’ve been getting some positive reports of plants growing well – as well as news that some, unfortunately, haven’t worked out. We’re looking forward to seeing all of the outcomes later on in the season – when Jo will be judging the tallest one!

photo of sunflower growing
A sunflower grown for DWB’s competition

Virtual Cuppa for Yorkshire Day

Screenshot of a Zoom call with a number of people holding up cups of tea

We held a special Zoom call for staff, Board members, volunteers and group participants on Monday 3rd August – our Virtual Cuppa.

Screenshot of a Zoom call with a number of people holding up cups of tea
DWB’s Virtual Cuppa Zoom call for Yorkshire Day

The call was a belated celebration of Yorkshire Day – so we sent out tea bags and biscuits with our latest activity packs, so that everyone could join us. We’re very grateful to Yorkshire Tea for donating a huge number of tea bags to help us with this, and ensuring we were able to drink proper Yorkshire tea on this momentous day!

On the call, we enjoyed a chat over our cuppas, and then everyone joined in a little Yorkshire-themed quiz put together by Fran, our Communications & Engagement worker, to explore what we knew about Yorkshire – and learn a couple of fun facts about the region along the way!

We asked people who weren’t able to join us on the Zoom call to share any photos of themselves enjoying their cuppas at home or with friends, and we’re really happy to see these photos.

Sayrish – Life during Lockdown

photo of Sayrish standing in front of a wall of pink flowers

Sayrish volunteers with DWB as a Digital Wellbeing Champion, and wrote a blog piece for us about her experience of life during lockdown.

photo of Sayrish standing in front of a wall of pink flowers
Sayrish, a DWB Digital Wellbeing Champion

Despite disruptions to our daily routine, quarantine has had a positive impact, as I’ve been able to discover new activities, such as daily workouts and online livestream fitness classes, including Joe Wicks’ exercise routine. Physical activity can help de-stress and uplift your mood whilst spending a long time indoors, and can enable you to sleep better. Although I enjoy comfort eating, I’ve discovered new cultural recipes to stay healthy, as well as online courses such as nutrition in understanding how food affects your body, mind and health, alongside other interesting topics via Future Learn. Some days I enjoy watching my favourite TV shows, virtual meetings with friends on Zoom, decluttering my room by removing unnecessary items and dedicating my time to learning new languages such as Arabic. To avoid too much screen time, I recommend reading books and going for long walks in the park to enjoy the lovely scenery.

Fran Arnold – A Day In The Life

photo of Fran Arnold
photo of Fran Arnold
Fran Arnold, DWB Communications and Engagement Worker

Fran has worked for Darnall Well Being since September 2019, as Communications and Engagement Worker. Like everyone else, Fran’s days have been very different since March this year! She now works from home, part-time, whilst also home schooling her 2 sons, aged 10 and 7. On a typical work day now, Fran gets up early and works at the kitchen table until breakfast time for her sons. She then fits in Zoom meetings and social media posting in between making sure that her sons are managing with the school work they receive from their primary school. By lunchtime, the boys have generally finished their school work, so afternoons are spent with them, getting as much fresh air as possible – on the trampoline, playing football in the garden, riding bikes, and looking after the vegetables and other plants that they are trying to grow. Later, the boys have Minecraft time, so Fran gets more work done – and then it’s time for her to join the boys on the daily session of PE With Joe Wicks on YouTube. And finally, they make it to teatime!

Fran says, “As well as making sure I come up with plenty of content to share from DWB on our social media accounts, I also focus on finding and sharing useful information from other organisations on social media. I’ve done a lot of work on getting the DWB website up and running during lockdown, and now I continue to add content regularly to it. I’m also writing guides for other members of the team, so that they know how to contribute to the website, too. I’ve helped the team with getting set up to work from home and join Zoom calls, etc as this was all new to a number of the team. And I try to keep in touch with our digital Wellbeing Champions via our WhatsApp group, to share useful information about Covid-19 and the community response, so that they can help to share that information to the wider community.”

July Craft Packs Delivered!

Photo of a craft pack

In July, we decided to send out Craft Packs to our Craft Group participants, as well as to half a dozen of our clients and volunteers, who we felt would most benefit from a craft boost. Each pack was put together specific to the recipient – just one of the advantages of us knowing our community well. As you can see, the packs were happily received, and we look forward to seeing some of the beautiful creations that are made from them!

500Together Donation Helps Local People

photo of Tesco giftcards and DWB complimens slips

We were fortunate enough to be nominated for a donation by Sheffield-based charity 500Together at the end of April 2020, and wanted to put it to good use helping local people who we knew were struggling during Covid-19. We decided to match fund the donation, so that we had £500 in total to share with the community. So we asked our staff, who are in regular contact with members of the community, to nominate families and individuals who they felt could really benefit from a Tesco gift card during this difficult time.

photo of Tesco giftcards and DWB complimens slips
Giftcards bought with the 500Together donation

We sent out gift cards to 8 families and 4 individuals, and have had some heartwarming feedback and thanks from the recipients:

I thank the donors and all staff who helped the voucher to be dispatched. We are grateful we feel that are not left behind.

Individual on low income

, the £50 Voucher its make a difference financially  , we bought things which we wish to get it before  , Thanks a lot for the donor . 

Family recently arrived in UK, with a baby due

The voucher was very helpful as my benefits were stopped 6 weeks ago, so I appreciate it.  Helpful to me and my 5 children as a single parent.  I have been finding it hard to prepare food and going out to buy stuff so I really appreciate the token and thank you and Darnall Well Being for support.

Single parent with 5 children

Don’t know what I would have done otherwise. A big thank you DWB for the lovely gift – words cannot express my feelings.

Single parent who has had a number of illnesses

It made difference in our life so that we could buy more food. For the children, while they are at  home eating more food all the time, it gives them a little extra treat.

Family on low income benefits