Community Connector – Spring 2023

Community Connector newsletters spread out in a fan shape

Darnall Well Being and Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park have collaborated to pull together content from over 30 local groups and organisations into the Spring 2023 edition of the Community Connector.

Community Connector newsletters spread out in a fan shape

Thanks to funding from Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park and local charity 500 Together, we have been able to print 1,000 copies of the latest edition of the Community Connector. This will be available to pick up from locations around Darnall and Tinsley, including at Darnall Library, local GP surgeries, Darnall Family Centre and from numerous local groups. Darnall Well Being staff and volunteers will be giving copies to participants of our groups and services, and we plan to deliver copies to some streets in the area, too.

If you prefer to read it online, you can download it here:

Or read on below:

Spring 2023 Community Connector p1
Spring 2023 Community Connector p2
Spring 2023 Community Connector p3
Spring 2023 Community Connector p4
Spring 2023 Community Connector p5
Spring 2023 Community Connector p6
Spring 2023 Community Connector p7
Spring 2023 Community Connector p8
Spring 2023 Community Connector p9
Spring 2023 Community Connector p10
Spring 2023 Community Connector p11
Spring 2023 Community Connector p12
Spring 2023 Community Connector p13
Spring 2023 Community Connector p14
Spring 2023 Community Connector p15
Spring 2023 Community Connector p16

Persistent Pain Group: Co-Design Blog

Two smiling female students, standing in front of a table of OT aids

By Sarah and Natalie, students who were on placement with DWB in Spring 2023

Two smiling female students, standing in front of a table of OT aids
Sarah and Natalie at the first Persistent Pain Group session

We are two Occupational Therapy students from Sheffield Hallam University currently on placement at Darnall Wellbeing. We planned a new persistent pain support group, starting off by holding an information gathering session to ensure that future group sessions will meet participants’ needs. We were careful not to replicate services that already exist and focused on creating a support group, and not a pain management program as this is already provided by the NHS and is above our current skill set as students.

We were pleased to have a good turnout for the first session. We were joined by people living with persistent pain and healthcare professionals also interested in the group. The session began with some basic information about persistent pain. We defined persistent pain as pain that lasts after normal tissue healing time (usually after 12 weeks) in which other treatments have been unsuccessful.

The high prevalence of persistent pain in the local community was highlighted in order to help reduce the stigma and isolation of living with persistent pain, as participants realised that many people can live well with persistent pain.

We discussed when pain is helpful and unhelpful. The purpose of pain signals are to protect us from damaging our bodies.  However, sometimes when the body has healed, the body systems that lead to the experience of pain stay ‘awake’ and ‘on alert’, tricking the brain into still feeling pain.

Benefits of a persistent pain support group include participants being able to share their experiences of living with persistent pain and supporting each other, whilst increasing their social interaction.

blue clay being squashed in a man's hand
model of a creature made from red and brown clay
orange clay being modelled in a person's hand
green ring doughnut shaped model held in someone's hand

To facilitate social interaction we led an icebreaker activity in which we asked participants to use coloured air-dry clay to create a shape that represents their experience of persistent pain. Some participants took a literal approach by creating a human figure indicating where they feel pain, while others took a more abstract approach.  Participants were invited to share their experiences of persistent pain with the group. It was highlighted that participants felt sharing and listening to others experiences of persistent pain made them feel less stigmatised, less alone, and more positive about their ability to live well with persistent pain.  This activity encouraged frank discussion about issues such as the challenges of expressing concerns to health professionals due to short appointment times, as well as the uncertainty and confusion regarding the benefits and side effects of taking pain medication.

group of people seated around a large table in a meeting room, looking towards a woman standing next to a slide projected onto the wall.
Participant discussion at the co-design session

The session finished with a discussion about what participants wanted out of future sessions, ending in the collection of feedback. Suggestions for the content of future sessions were voted upon to ensure a co-productive approach.

For details of Persistent Pain Group sessions, please have a look here.

Work with us

Sheffield Youth Neighbourhoods and Communities logo

As part of Sheffield Youth Neighbourhoods and Communities Area Hubs

Sheffield Youth Neighbourhoods and Communities logo

We are pleased to share that we have been selected to be one of three Sheffield Youth – Neighbourhoods and Communities Area Hubs, and so we are recruiting an Area Hub Coordinator and two Youth Workers for our hub. These roles will be based in Darnall and Tinsley, with Darnall Well Being and our partner organisations Tinsley Forum and DESA.

SY-NC aims to have:   

  • Fewer children and young people drawn into exploitation, gang/criminal behaviour and the criminal justice system 
  • A more confident and skilled community workforce, including a future focused new talent pipeline 
  • More resilient communities, with families and local workers well equipped and working closely together to increase the resilience of children and young people 
  • Effective partnership working across the public and VCF sector 

SY-NC plans to achieve this by

  • Bringing people together and building strong relationships
  • Improving places and spaces belonging to communities
  • Enabling more people to reach their full potential by working to address issues at the earliest stage

So our Area Hub Coordinator will develop trust, build the local youth service and multi-agency relationships, and deliver youth-led community development which tackles exploitation in the area.  The Area Hub Coordinator will manage the two Youth Workers. 

If you would like to apply for one of these job opportunities, then please download the job description and application form below.

If you have any questions about the roles, please contact us on or 0114 249 6315.

Key dates

Area Coordinator Role:

  • Applications close at 5pm on Thursday, 4th May 2023
  • Interviews will take place on Wednesday 17th May 2023

Trainee Youth Worker Role

  • Applications close at 5pm on Thursday, 18th May 2023
  • Interviews will take place on Monday 5th June 2023

Applications to be received via email –

VAS Community Champions Networking Event, March 2023

Jar filled with different coloured layers of sand.

by Oluchi, one of our Community Champions volunteers

Today’s event went really well, as there were people from different organisations present. It was a welcoming environment, as Mike first had us introduce who we are and where we volunteer, what we have learnt, our skills and qualities of a community champion.

We had in attendance speakers and volunteers from Flower Estate Family Action (FEFA) and Compassionate Sheffield (who spoke on compassion and tips on how to become a compassionate Community Champion). There was also a speaker from Healthwatch Sheffield who educated us on identifying the symptoms of Long Covid, and she also mentioned Healthwatch is working to see that more referrals are made for Black and Asian minority groups. Present also were a group of retired nurses who are for the Black community.

Jar filled with different coloured layers of sand.
OIuchi’s memory jar

Also, we had a self care session taken by Ruth, a therapist. She emphasised that it’s important that as community champions, we take care of ourselves as much as we care for the communities. She also took us on a memory jar journey, where we wrote out 5 memories we’ve had and then, using salt and coloured chalks, we created different colours in a jar as a representation of our memories. We went home with this jar.

In all, it was a great event.

DWB AGM – October 2022

people sitting in a lecture theatre, some looking forwards, some looking at paperwork

A blog reporting on our AGM, written by Zoyah Kanwal, one of our Wellbeing Champions.

people sitting in a lecture theatre, some looking forwards, some looking at paperwork

Each year Darnall Well Being hosts an annual general meeting (AGM) to celebrate the impact that DWB has had on the community. This year’s event was held for the first time at SHU’s Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre on 20th October 2022. From incredible staff case studies to powerful volunteer stories, this AGM in particular highlighted the significant contributions our organisation has made to combat the challenges brought by the pandemic. This event revealed how collectively, as a community, we transformed our difficult and dreary moments into strong and memorable ones.

Unity is not only a fundamental part of strengthening a community but at the very core of DWB’s values and principles. The evening showcased how we converted measurable investments into immeasurable impact, throughout the course of the pandemic we’ve collected stories from over 7,000 contacts and distributed 32,000 Community Connector leaflets, especially targeting digitally excluded areas. We’ve also involved over 273 people with underlying health problems to access existing support across Sheffield such as: diabetes support, Live Lighter, stopping smoking and alcohol reduction – everyone we’ve supported were immensely grateful for DWB facilitating these opportunities getting them closer to their healthier selves.

At the very heart of DWB’s work are the determined and dedicated volunteers. The evening featured speeches from volunteers focusing on why they volunteered and how they benefitted as volunteers. A wide array of responses was shared, demonstrating that ‘you get as much out of it as you give into it’, that ‘it’s lovely to do things which you can’t do otherwise’ knowing you’ve made an impact and that ‘you feel you’re needed’ by your community – a valuable sense of purpose and responsibility, especially when feeling lost in life is highly prevalent in these challenging times. Many volunteers have found that volunteering ‘helped them mentally’ and ‘there wasn’t the help and support to this extent in the past’. 

An important benefit from volunteering is ‘companionship and finding people in situations worse than you’ to help better understand our community’s needs. Others find ‘a sense of peace and calm, taking time to reflect in a non-stressful environment being in the fresh air amongst nature around people in similar situations to you’, you’ll even find that volunteering allows you to ‘come and have a laugh’ with fun being common theme in a variety of activities. Furthermore, encouraging the constant maintaining and improving of mental health, volunteers feel compelled to help ‘de-stigmatise mental health and other things like dementia, because it can happen to anybody’ – no one should feel alone.

Volunteering with DWB, has been a unique and inclusive journey for all volunteers due to the vast diversity of ‘different ethnicities, different age groups and walks of life, different work experiences and different skillsets’ illustrating that ‘everyone has an opportunity to get involved’.  DWB has ensured their impact is further expanded by broadening horizons for its volunteers. Volunteers utilised opportunities to upgrade their skillsets through training courses in areas like sports leadership, dementia, digital skills, mindfulness, first aid and nutrition. As a result, the constant focus of improving our work and volunteers led to opening new activity areas like sports and mindfulness to explore, increasing community engagement.

A closing speech given by Professor Robert Copeland from SHU’s Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre explained the 3Ps concept (‘People, Place and Purpose’) and emphasised its significance for supporting our community. It’s the lives of the people in Darnall who we’ve transformed and supported that keeps our organisation standing. Darnall is a place that matters to us, ‘we want to create a safer Darnall, where people are hopeful and feel belonged – the power to bring stability in uncertainty’. DWB is a purpose-driven organisation, committed to empower others to rise and flourish, instilling purpose to those we serve giving them value and meaning to benefit from – ‘truly the most powerful gift to a society’. The driving force behind each and every part of our service is the compassion from all our staff, trustees, volunteers and most importantly our community. As Coretta Scott King once said, ‘the greatness of a community is measured by the compassionate action of its members’.

Community Memorial Events – March 2023

a line of lit tealights

Thanks to funding from Compassionate Sheffield, we will be putting on two events to bring the community together, to remember and share experiences from the pandemic.

Poster for DWB Community Memorial event in Darnall on 7th March 2023.
Poster for DWB Community Memorial event in Tinsley on 16th March 2023.

We look forward to welcoming people from the communities in Darnall and Tinsley to these two events, which will give us all an opportunity to share our experiences from the pandemic. Join our staff, volunteers and local faith leaders to get together, create memory books and light candles in memory of loved ones. We’ll have representatives and resources from Sheffield Mind, Compassionate Sheffield, Cruse Bereavement Care and IAPT here, sharing support and guidance if you want help with managing your feelings.

Food and drinks for us to enjoy together will be available at this free event. Please contact us if you’d like any more information before the events.

Medical students get involved at Darnall Well Being

3 women standing outside a building, smiling to camera and holding up community newsletters

In November/December 2022, three medical students from Sheffield University spent their social accountability placement with us.

3 women standing outside a building, smiling to camera and holding up community newsletters
Fathimah, Nancy and Amran helping to deliver the Community Connector around Darnall

Over 4 weeks with us, as well as learning from our team about the services and support we offer, Amran, Fathimah and Nancy also helped out at a range of our activities and listened to feedback from some of our service users. The students also helped to distribute the Community Connector newsletter in the local area and helped out at Darnall Allotment Project. They shared some of their thoughts about Darnall Well Being at the end of their time with us:

As part of our placement, it was really lovely to help organise and welcome people in, as well as getting to know a different demographic in Darnall.

As a large number of people in the area are Muslim, offering women-only sessions is important, as it means that more women will be more likely to feel comfortable and engage with the community.

I think the most important part of the Men’s Health session is socialising, and having lunch and a cuppa together. Some of them live alone so you can tell they really appreciate being listened to and interacting with others.

The three students also put together this video to share some of their experiences with us and our service users:

The students shared the key things that they learned from Darnall Well Being in a presentation back at university. These included:

The importance of recognising and being aware of health inequalities

Especially between people of different ethnic backgrounds, noting that they really appreciate the efforts DWB have taken in trying to bridge differences by providing language support, increasing awareness through newsletters, engaging with local services that people frequent and providing activities that are either free or as cheap as possible.

The importance of social determinants of health

How social prescribing can aid in reducing poorer outcomes. They pointed out that the regular activities that DWB hold means that people are regularly engaged in physical activity or at least something that engages the mind.

How important community is

After speaking to so many different people from different backgrounds, they all mentioned that they enjoy interacting and meeting new people. This was especially true for those living by themselves or with just their partner. And how important it is for their mental health to just leave the house and meet others.

Man and woman smiling to camera
Fathimah helping out at Happy Memories Dementia Cafe
4 people standing next to a table full of seated men.
Amran, Fathimah and Nancy at Men’s Health group, December 2022

Finally, the students shared that they will take away from this experience the importance of not underestimating the social aspect of medicine. They felt that their placement with us really helped them to see the bigger picture; that medicine is about going in to help people and improve their quality of life, and so it’s important to recognise how big a factor the community and social side of someone’s life is in their care.

Green Social Prescribing Craft

Orange and brown macrame feathers hanging from branches in sunlight

A blog post by Amran Jimale, a third year medical student at the University of Sheffield.

Amran, who did her social accountability placement with us in December 2022, was really interested in the different ways that we reach the community, and she wanted to share her experience with our Green Social Prescribing craft activity.

Orange and brown macrame feathers hanging from branches in sunlight
Macrame feathers made by participants in December 2022

In December 2022, I had the pleasure of joining a craft session at Victoria Quays in Sheffield, where we made feather leaf macramé. It was a fun and lively event, with people of all ages and backgrounds coming together to learn and craft. But beyond the social aspect of the event, I also saw the powerful effects that crafting can have on health and wellbeing. As we worked on our macramé projects, we chatted and laughed, and the meditative and focused nature of crafting provided a much-needed break from the constant stimulation of daily life.

Crafting has been shown to have numerous benefits for health, including reducing anxiety and depression, and improving self-esteem and cognitive function. It can also provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose, as well as a creative outlet for self-expression.

a pair of hands working with some orange and brown wool
Macrame in action
a brown and orange striped feather shape made using macrame
A finished macrame leaf

I really enjoyed myself and it was a great opportunity for members of the community to come together, socialise, and make something beautiful. I hope to attend more events like this at Darnall Well Being.

Community Connector – Winter 2022

Newsletter copies spread out next to Christmas decorations

The latest edition of the Community Connector newsletter is out now!

Newsletter copies spread out next to Christmas decorations
Community Connector Winter 2022

We have worked with local organisations including Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park, Tinsley Forum and Sheffield East LAC, to put together a winter edition of the Community Connector newsletter. Over 30 local groups and organisations have taken this opportunity to share their news with the community, and we’re grateful to all of them for taking the time to send us content and photos to include in the newsletter!

Unfortunately, we weren’t successful in obtaining any new funding to produce or deliver the Community Connector this time, so we’re extremely grateful to Jump North printers for match funding the small amount we had available. This enabled us to print 2,000 copies in total! Since we weren’t able to fund delivery of the newsletters, we’re now busy getting copies out to as many different local venues as we can, to make sure all this news, support and information reaches as many local people as possible. Darnall Well Being will also be giving copies to everyone we come into contact with in the community, and copies will be going to all local schools.

Please look out for it in the community – venues it will be available at include:

  • Darnall Library
  • Darnall Primary Care Centre
  • Tinsley Highgate Surgery
  • Tinsley Forum and Library
  • EIS and Ice Sheffield
  • Galeed House
  • PMC
  • Darnall Children’s Centre
  • Darnall Road Baptist Church
  • Church of Christ
  • Living Waters
  • Star Works
  • Darnall Allotment Project
  • Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre
  • Local shops and cafes

You can also download the Community Connector here:

Or you can read it on our website here:

We aim to produce the next edition by the Easter school holidays. If you are a local group or organisation that would like to share news or information in the next edition, please contact us at

Our Welcome Place

DWB Welcoming Places flyer

As part of the hub of Welcome Places across Sheffield, DWB have our own Welcome Place session on Tuesdays.

DWB Welcoming Places flyer

Every Tuesday from 11am to 1pm, come and join us at Darnall Primary Care Centre! Our friendly volunteers will be on hand for a chat and to provide information about local services and support. They can also help you with getting online safely and providing internet access, if you’d like some help with this.

3 women seated around a table in a meeting room, looking at laptops together
Local people getting digital support at our Welcoming Place session

Our Welcome Places session was visited by Dr Farrell, a local GP, in March 2024 and he was full of praise for the support available:

At the ‘Welcome Places’ session, I spoke with Sofia Gkika, learning huge amounts about the services, activities, and support available for the people of Darnall & Tinsley. Sofia’s breadth of knowledge and experience with the local community means she understands how best to inform and involve local people in things that matter to them – from help with navigating healthcare, housing support, employment support, cost of living support, loneliness, social isolation, mental well-being, youth clubs, physical activity sessions for various groups, homelessness, drug and alcohol support groups etc. Sofia clearly cares about her community, especially those who are vulnerable for whatever reason, and the community are lucky to have her deliver the ‘Welcome Places’ sessions at DPCC.

Dr Farrell, GP

Along with all other Welcome Places in the city, we have pledged to offer:

  • A friendly warm welcome and a smile every time they visit.
  • Equal treatment for all, with dignity and respect.
  • Feeling of safety – we will adhere to our own safeguarding policies, and ensure that all staff and volunteers are briefed on these procedures.
  • Confidentiality – data protection of individuals’ details.
  • A non-judgemental space; whatever the reason individuals have for needing to come in, they will be treated the same and never judged.

There are other Welcome Places around the S9 area – we’ve put together a poster so you can easily find out what’s on and where in our community:

Welcome Places poster
Welcome Places p2

Women’s Yoga

yoga image

We’re very happy to be able to offer weekly women’s yoga sessions in both Tinsley and Darnall.

Women's Yoga flyer
Darnall yoga flyer

Yoga can help to support stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss and quality sleep. These sessions are also a great opportunity to meet other women in the local area.

Sessions are for all abilities, and can be done on a chair or mat.

Booking is essential – please contact our office on 0114 2496315.

women in a community hall doing yoga together
4 women kneeling on yoga mats in a community hall
3 women lying on their sides on yoga mats in a community hall
4 women on yoga mats in a community hall, in child's pose.

Green Social Prescribing – Autumn/Winter 2022

group of people standing looking up at greenery and castle on a hill

The weather may be getting colder, but we still have plenty of Green Social Prescribing activities available to book!

people standing with backs to the camera, looking up towards green hill with a castle tower on it.
A Green Social Prescribing walk in Castleton, August 2022

If you live in Darnall, Tinsley or Handsworth and you’re feeling stressed, low in mood, anxious, lonely or isolated, Green Social Prescribing can help. Thanks to funding from South Yorkshire Community Foundation and South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Integrated Care System, we are able to offer friendly, guided walks in green spaces around Sheffield and in the Peak District.

The walks offer a chance to explore new areas with a group, as well as taking part in simple activities to help you connect with nature and calm your mind. We provide free transport to and from the walk destinations, and provide a free hot or cold drink at each location.

Details of some of our upcoming walks are below, with more still to come:

Once you’ve booked onto a sesssion with us, all you need to do is bring some water and a packed lunch. And please make sure you’re wearing sturdy footwear and clothing suitable for the weather!

Lots of local people have found the sessions really beneficial so far – just a couple of comments from the many we have had from people who have been on the walks with us:

Good, fun, enjoyable and exciting, fun – walk easy but scenic, refreshing

Participant in GSP walk at Longshaw, June 2022

Walking is the only thing that makes me happy, like peace & quiet, like to stay physically active, countryside good for wellbeing

Participant in GSP walk at Hathersage, July 2022

If you would like more details about Green Social Prescribing, or if you want to book onto any of the activities, please contact Jo Hopkinson on 07904 281825 or our office on 0114 249 6315.

World Mental Health Day 2022

World Mental Health day graphic

For World Mental Health Day, we’ve put together a flyer to help people manage their mental health.

World Mental Health day graphic

To mark #WorldMentalHealthDay, we have put together a flyer to give to everyone who comes to our activities or gets 1-1 support from our team. All of our activities give people an opportunity to talk about and improve their mental health; our flyer gives details about more of the support we offer, and we’ve also shared links to other organisations in Sheffield who offer additional mental health support.

mental health and DWB flyer - page 2
mental health and DWB flyer - page 1

Or you can pick up a printed copy from our enquiries desk at Darnall Primary Care Centre.

Green Social Prescribing Walks

GSP graphic
Green Social Prescribing flyer

Thanks to funding from South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation, from summer 2024 we are offering walks at parks and other green spaces around Sheffield and the Peak District!

Green Social Prescribing enables us to take groups of people from Darnall, Tinsley, Attercliffe and Handsworth to explore green spaces, to help them manage their mental health and wellbeing. We pay bus fares or provide minibus transport, giving local people the opportunity to discover different parts of Sheffield and the Peak District. In previous years, we have taken people to enjoy guided walks at the Botanical Gardens, Weston Park, Millhouses Park, Longshaw Estate and Chatsworth.

Feedback we’ve had from people who came on our previous Green Social Prescribing walks has been that it has helped them to feel closer to nature, take time for themselves, meet new people and learn new ways of managing their mental wellbeing.

If you would like some help managing your mental health and wellbeing by coming to our Green Social Prescribing sessions, you can be referred by your GP or other medical professional – or you can refer yourself by phoning Jo on 0114 249 6315.

Women’s Fun Fitness

cardio graphic

A great opportunity to meet other local women and improve your fitness, whilst having fun!

Running on Tuesdays at Darnall Primary Care Centre in partnership with Sheffield United Community Foundation, our fun multi sports sessions are for all women living in Darnall and Tinsley, aged 16+. Contact details to book your place are on the flyer below.

Craft Group

craft image

Our friendly craft group is for adults of all cultures and abilities.

flyer advertising craft group, which meets on Fridays 1-3pm at Darnall Primary Care Centre

People come together, chat, laugh, share skills and try new things, whilst having fun in Craft Group. There is a charge per session of £1 which goes towards running costs.

Some basic materials are supplied. ( If you wish to use other materials, you are welcome to buy these and bring them yourself) Usually you can take home what you make. Sometimes we work on a group project, like a banner.

The craft group is supported by Darnall Well Being staff and volunteers.

Group of people seated around a table doing crafts together
colourful coloured in pictured on a table
heart shaped boxes with hand drawn decorations
Our volunteer and trustee, Jean, with Craft Club dolls

“The Friday craft group is one of my favourite activities. As well as learning new skills (which come in very useful) the social aspect lightens anyone’s mood. As the things we make are mostly for charities we benefit the community as well as having a really good time.”

Craft Group Participant

“It is good to meet other people. We have learnt lots of different crafts, I enjoy coming every week.”

Craft Group Participant

“Definitely recommended… Warm…Cup of tea and chat… Not expensive… if you’re sat in the house on your own, it’s nice to have a chat.”

Jane, Craft Group Participant

Craft group sometimes take part in projects with other facilitators. In June 2023, they participated in the Circle of Life project with Ignite Imaginations, resulting in their work being displayed in Sheffield city centre at the Moor Markets.

Men’s Health Group

men image

Darnall Well Being has developed a unique men’s session, which includes a light exercise session, a healthy lunch and a talk topic. The talk topic is an interactive part of the day, where everybody can ask questions and share their experiences.

Men standing around the edges of a meeting room, with their arms spread out. One man is sitting in a wheelchair.
Men’s Health Group exercising together

The exercises in the session can be practised within the home and empower other members of the family who don’t attend. After the workout, members are invited to eat a light lunch of sandwiches and snacks together. Concluding the session, staff deliver valuable information on a range of topics, such as healthy eating.

Men’s Health group meets every 2 weeks on Thursdays in Darnall. Contact us for more information and to book your place.

Meeting room of men standing and seated together around a table
Men's Health indoor golf
Group of men seated in a meeting room, all holding colourful exercise bands stretched out above their heads.
Group of men seated around a large table in a meeting room, with 2 men standing at the end of the table. All are looking towards the camera.

Client testimonial

I think this is a great idea, which helped me really to eat healthy and to watch everything I eat through the rest of the week. I am absolutely delighted to be one of the people who benefits from this great help and service which actually turned my views and habits about food upside down. The healthy food provided in this lunch club won’t be anything without the spirit of the staff behind this great job, they are very friendly, very helpful and they have inspired me and my two friends who attend with me to regularly follow a healthy diet forever, we all enjoy it very much. Big thank you for everyone behind the lunch club. – Tariq Elkhalifa, Hisham Idris, Siddiq Elhilow.

Community Mental Health Worker testimonial:

I referred my 65yr old, male client to DWB – he lives on his own and experiences low mood and is socially isolated. He attended their Men’s Group as this was based in the community near his home and was also culturally appropriate. DWB worked closely with me to encourage him to attend the group, offered to collect him from his home and sent him text reminders.

As this client was clinically depressed, isolated and hard of hearing these were vital factors that helped engaged the client. The joint work with DWB has contributed in helping this client maintain good mental health and help him make steps towards improving his quality of life.

In March 2024, local GP Dr Farrell joined Men’s Health Group and here’s what he had to say about his experience:

The quick witted nature and frequent banter from the Men’s Health Group made for a very entertaining session. Alfred’s ease at facilitating discussions around health and well-being, along with his motivational manner in encouraging us all to participate in accessible exercises was great to see. The complex health problems of some of the participants means that these sessions are often the only opportunities they get to interact socially and physically with others in their community. 

Dr Farrell, GP

Carers’ Support Groups

carer image

From January 2024, we are offering two monthly carers’ support groups – one for all carers, and one specifically for carers of people living with Dementia.

If you’re an unpaid carer for someone, why not come along to our Carers’ Support Group? This monthly group is run in Darnall, in partnership with Sheffield Carers’ Centre. It’s an opportunity to meet other local carers, share stories and experiences, and find out about help and support available to you. You just need to contact us to book your place, so that we can manage numbers – then come along and join us!

We also offer a support group specifically for carers of people living with Dementia. These monthly sessions are a chance to get to know other local carers, support one another and learn more about Dementia. As above, please contact us to book your place, so that we can manage numbers at the group.

I really did find the information, help, assistance, support and group lovely – I will be back.

WS, Dementia Carers’ Support Group attendee

Our Dementia Carers’ Support Group was visited in March 2024 by Dr Donal Farrell, a local GP, who shared this feedback from his experience there:

During the Dementia Carers’ Group, it was great to see familiar faces from the Making Memories Music Focus Group and with the theme being ‘Yorkshire’, I learned a lot, including about the local lingo. Opportunities for those with dementia and their carers to actively engage in discussions and tasks in a fun and friendly way was great to see. Drawing on the wisdom of the more experienced participants was a great way to get everyone involved. 

Dr Farrell, GP

Chairobics (Women only)

chair image

This women only session is based around a chair and sitting down. It is gentle exercise to music. This session is an ideal starting point if you are just thinking about becoming active. It is also good for people with less mobility.

We hold women’s chairobics sessions in person in Darnall on Tuesdays and in Tinsley on Thursdays. See the flyer below for more details, and please contact us if you’d like to come along and join one of our friendly groups.

Quotes from participants:

I like the exercises – it makes me happy and I feel better, because all the movement is good for me – hands, shoulders, feet. I have told my friend and she is now coming as well. I’m not trying too hard to lose weight but I feel healthier.

I like this group because it makes me feel better. I have ME. I have depression as well. Coming here the exercise makes me feel better. I get a lot of pains and the exercise helps. Also getting out of the house and meeting people. This is the only place I come out to.

Chairobics flyer

Dementia Cafes

cafe image

We’re very happy to offer two different Dementia Cafes for the community!

Our Making Memories Dementia memory cafe at St Mary’s Community Hub is a great opportunity to meet others on Tuesday afternoons for a friendly chat, a cuppa and some fun activities, along with hearing from guest speakers.

We also run a monthly Happy Memories Dementia Cafe in Darnall, with hot drinks, cakes and activities like we have in Handsworth, but which also offers language support for those who need it. Regular language support is available for Urdu and Somali speakers, but we can help with other languages, too.

To help us to manage numbers at both cafes, we do ask that you register with us before coming along – email or phone: 0114 249 6315 or 07495 548929.

Listen to Bess and John’s experiences of coming to Making Memories
Hear more about our Dementia Cafe in Arabic

He was animated, engaged and recalling his own history and happy doing it…. The locality of the cafe to his community means he’s been able to rekindle acquaintances with people he knew from his earlier life.

HJ, son and carer of Making Memories Dementia Cafe attendee

We also run two carers’ support groups at Darnall Primary Care Centre. For more details about these groups, please click here.