Summer 2021 Activity Packs

photo of activity sheets on a table

Throughout Covid-19, we have put together and sent out activity packs to all our service users and volunteers. This July, we sent out the final one.

photo of activity sheets on a table

Together with our activity schedule and latest newsletter, we also sent activities to do at home, information about getting your Covid vaccine and staying Covid safe as restrictions lift. Included was a letter looking back over the time that we have been sending these packs. The text of that letter is below:

We want to say a very heartfelt thank you to all of you for your involvement with Darnall Well Being, particularly through the last 18 months, which have been a challenging time in so many ways. We are proud of the positive steps you have taken to try and stay connected and safely manage your health and wellbeing, when many of the healthy things we were used to doing, had to change. Darnall Well Being could not have adapted so well without the feedback from yourselves about what was difficult and what could help you through. We are proud to serve this community.

We have all had different journeys through this time, but hopefully we are beginning to come out the other side. It is important to be kind to ourselves and others as we gradually adapt to the new ‘normal’. We were glad to be able to provide activity packs in lockdown and to hear how you had enjoyed them. Please enjoy this final activity pack over the Summer. As our activities are starting up again, we will be focusing our efforts on these and supporting you to continue your journey with us, attending our activities and using the one to one support we provide.

The activity programme has been adapted to make it as safe and welcoming as possible – some activities are in person (particularly outdoor ones) and others are via Zoom (online) or over the phone. Thank you for your support, and your kindness to each other. We look forward to working with you in the months (and years) to come.

If you would like to download the activities from this or any of our previous activity packs, you can find them all on our Activity Packs page.

Community Connector – July 2021

copies of a newsletter on a printer

If you live in Darnall ward, the latest edition of the Community Connector will be coming through your letterbox this month!

copies of a newsletter on a printer
Hot off the press – July 2021 copies of Community Connector

The summer edition of this community newsletter for Darnall ward has been put together by Darnall Well Being and other local organisations, including Tinsley Forum, Darnall Forum, Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park and Attercliffe Centre of Mission. It contains plenty of information and activities for the summer, as well as good news stories and ways that you can get involved in your local area. Jump North have once more been really helpful in printing this for us.

If you can’t wait for yours to arrive, or just want to view it online, read on below, or download it here:

Healthy Holidays 2021

photo of children and adult running across a park

Healthy Holidays are back for Summer 2021! We’re working with Manor & Castle Development Trust to provide FREE activities throughout the school summer holidays for children who receive benefits-related free school meals, thanks to funding from Sheffield City Council and the Department for Education.

photo of children and adult running across a park
Sports activities at Healthy Holidays 2020

To help parents to find out more and sign their children up for the sessions, Darnall Well Being will be running pop up sessions this week in Darnall and Tinsley. Come along and see our friendly staff to find out how your children could get involved:

Tuesday 20th July

DWB staff will be at Acres Hill Community Primary school, outside at the school gate, on Tuesday 20th July at 2.30pm to signpost and support parents to sign up to the activities.

Thursday 22nd July
DWB staff will be running a pop up session at Tinsley Forum, 120 – 126 Bawtry Road on Thursday 22nd July from 11.00am to 2.00pm. Our staff will support and signpost families to sign up to the activities.

All the activities are FREE for children receiving benefits-related free school meals.
Please come and talk to us about the activities in your area and citywide.

Ahsan – Why I Got My Covid Vaccine

photo of woman in headscarf smiling

Ahsan is 24 years old and a volunteer with Darnall Well Being. Here she shares her Covid-19 vaccine story and why she decided to have the jab earlier this year.

photo of woman in headscarf smiling
Ahsan Ahmed, DWB volunteer

“The thought of taking the vaccine was pretty daunting at first. I heard there were different vaccine options and at that time, I was not familiar with anyone who previously had the vaccine, other than my colleagues. Over time, I decided to do more research and was given reassurance that the vaccine was tested and safe beforehand. I also worked for the NHS, so I understood I would be more at risk, compared to someone staying at home during lockdown. I made the decision to go for the Pfizer Covid vaccine and the process was simple – and you have a professional that talks you through the treatment, if necessary. The whole process lasted up to 20 minutes and was straightforward. After the vaccine I felt very happy and was confident in my decision to go ahead with the second vaccine.

I would suggest anyone unsure of taking the vaccine does their own research on the benefits and the purpose of the vaccine.” 

If, like Ahsan, you want to learn more about vaccines before you decide to have yours, these are some useful websites with plenty of information:

The NHS have lots of information and FAQs about vaccines.

The British Islamic Medical Association have a Covid vaccine hub on their website.

A group of independent UK doctors and professors have collated information about the vaccines from independent doctors and scientists here.

And if you want to double check anything that might hear about vaccines on social media, independent fact checking sites such as Full Fact can help.

Diabetes Awareness Week 2021

photo of Diabetes information pack

Did you know that our Health & Wellbeing workers provide support to a number of local people who have Diabetes?

For Diabetes Awareness Week, Eram put together information packs for all of our Diabetes patients, to help support them in managing their Diabetes during hot weather, and in eating well with Diabetes. She also included our latest activity schedule, so that people are aware of all the groups they could get involved with.

photo of Diabetes information pack
DWB’s Diabetes information packs

If you’d like to read the Diabetes information that Eram sent out, you can download the leaflets here:

Read more about how our Link Workers can help support people living with Diabetes by looking at Mrs H’s story here.

We work closely with Diabetes UK Sheffield to offer support to the local community in living with and managing Diabetes. They have a number of events planned for Diabetes Awareness Week, listed here:

Beat The Street Sheffield

photo of 3 women in sunshine

Yvonne, Jo and Saada from the DWB team were excited to attend the official launch of Beat The Street Sheffield recently.

photo of 3 women outside at Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park
Saada, Jo and Yvonne at the Beat The Street launch

The launch took place at Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park on 19th May 2021. The city-wide physical activity game was launched at an event attended by organisers, local dignitaries, council representatives and Oasis Academy Don Valley.

Beat the Street gets underway from 16th June to 28th July 2021 and challenges schools, workplaces and community groups to clock up as many active travel miles as possible during the six week-game. Beat the Street is open to anyone of any age and ability – children and adults alike.  More than 450 beeping and flashing sensors called ‘Beat Boxes’ will be placed on lampposts around the area for the duration of the game. 

photo of children holding up tokens
Pupils from the Don Valley Oasis Academy take part in the opening event

Players simply tap one of these Beat Boxes with their special card to start their journey. Walk, cycle, run, scoot, wheel or roll to the next one on the map within an hour to score 10 points. The further players go and the more Beat Boxes they tap, the more points they will score.

Darnall Well Being will have a number of Beat The Street cards to give out to our service users and volunteers, so that they can join with our staff in scoring points for Darnall Well Being!

photo of 3 women in sunshine
Jo from DWB tries out her BTS card

Over the course of the six-week competition, the teams that clock up the highest number of points will win vouchers for sports equipment or books, and there are ‘lucky tap’ prizes given out to individuals during the game. There are also leaderboards for the highest number of average points, meaning that teams of all sizes are in with a chance of winning prizes.

Beat the Street was developed by Dr William Bird, a GP who wanted to get people active and to get communities walking together.  Since it was developed in 2010, more than a million people have played the game across 103 towns and cities across the UK and internationally. Beat the Street Sheffield is brought to you by Move More and Sheffield City Council. It is delivered by Intelligent Health, with funding from the National Lottery and Sport England, and local partners.

For more information about the forthcoming Beat the Street game, visit or follow @BTSSheffield on social media for more information.

Dementia News

photo of colourful twiddle muffs

Two updates about our Dementia support

Twiddlemuff Donation

On Saturday 22nd May 2021 Jo-Anne van Levesley, one of our Senior Health and Wellbeing Workers, visited Lilian Beasley to do a doorstep collection  – outside, distanced, and Covid safe!

After knocking on the door, and retiring to the gate,  Jo was greeted with a fabulous donation of fifteen knitted, embroidered and decorated Twiddlemuffs. Each one is unique, and tenderly prepared as a gift and donation to  support  clients and carers with Dementia. These will be used in our sessions, Cafes and allotment work, as we are preparing to  reopen and venture out to meet face to face, once Lockdown is lifted.

photo of colourful twiddle muffs
Twiddlemuffs donated by Lilian Beasley

Thanks abound to Lilian Beasley, from a branch of Sheffield MU –  who has worked so hard creating these for us.

They have been a real help and a project that has been ongoing for me through times of isolating, and not being able to get out and about in the time of lockdown. I have missed my groups and church,  and am looking forward to getting out and connecting with family and friends again very soon

Lillian Beasley, on making the Twiddlemuffs

New Dementia Activity Packs

Jo has been busy putting together yet another amazing activity pack for our Dementia clients and their carers. These will be delivered through their doors, giving them plenty to keep them busy and amused whilst at home.

photo of pages ready for activity packs
Dementia Activity packs – May 2021


Walking is good for our minds, bodies and neighbourhoods. Spring is a perfect time to get out and get walking – and it’s FREE!!!

Walking has so many benefits for our wellbeing, including:-

Physical Wellbeing

Good for our heart, muscles and joints, and can lower risk of some conditions e.g. dementia, certain cancers, diabetes, heart disease and depression.
Walking can also help you lose weight.

Mental Wellbeing

Walking gives you energy, helps you feel happy, can reduce stress, improves self-esteem, helps you feel more positive and can relieve anxiety and depression.


It’s a great way to socialise and connect with others, and all the family can get involved.
It’s also a great way to connect with nature and discover new places.

It is recommended that adults get 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week, and just 20 minutes walking per day can make a huge difference to our health and wellbeing.
Why not try taking a walk at lunchtime or in a morning and feel the benefits yourself?
Another great thing about walking is that you can incorporate it into your daily life e.g. walking to school or shops, walking and talking with friends or taking the stairs instead of a lift etc. Build your strength, start small and work your way up to longer walks if you need to, going at your own pace.

photo of cherry blossom tree
Cherry blossom tree in High Hazels Park

There are lots of easy to access places to walk in and around Darnall and Tinsley e.g. High Hazels Park, Tinsley Park golf course, Bowden Wood, so why not take a visit? The link below is a walk starting from Darnall Community Park – it is just over 2 miles long, taking in the Canal and Olympic Legacy Park:

If you fancy a group walk, why not join our Health Walk in Darnall on a Mondays at 11.00am (ring 0114 249 6315 to register) or watch this space for new group walks coming soon.

Photo of men walking in High Hazels Park
Local men on Monday Health Walk

As lockdown eases if you fancy going further afield, have a look here:

to see details of parks and green spaces in Sheffield.

Or if you’re feeling adventurous, have a look at:

and public transport details:

We are keen to encourage connecting with nature whilst walking and have attached a daily diary to help motivate you to get started or increase your walking, not just in May but beyond. Challenge yourself to do 20 minutes walking as part of your daily exercise.

photo of walking group
DWB’s Health Walk group at High Hazels Park

There are lots of useful websites to with ideas and resources to help motivate you, e.g.

We would love you to send us any pictures of walks or if you have any walking ideas or routes to share, please let us know!

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 graphic

Did you know that 10-16 May 2021 is Mental Health Awareness Week? The theme this year is #ConnectWithNature.

Mental health issues can affect anyone, and Mental Health Awareness Week is an opportunity for people to talk about any aspect of mental health. This year’s theme is nature. Nature has benefits for our mental health and wellbeing. Nature can reduce stress and help bring connection with the world and each other.

photo of cherry blossom trees
Cherry blossom trees in High Hazels Park

At Darnall Well Being, we are encouraging people to connect with nature; that could be by combining this with the benefits of physical activity and getting out for a walk, sitting in your garden, looking out of your window or looking after any plants you have in your home.
Next time you connect with nature, have a think about what you hear, smell or see. We would love you to share this with us – send us your pictures or let us know how it made you feel and any benefits it had.
Send any photos to
Or tag us in your photos on social media: @darnallwb

Our leaflet with more details about this, and about useful contacts who can help with mental health support, is available to download here:

photo of walking group
DWB’s Health Walk group at High Hazels Park

If you’d like to get out for a walk, but feel a bit hesitant after the past year of lockdowns, please contact us and we can welcome you along to our Monday walking group in High Hazels Park. The group follows two different routes, so you can choose the route that is best suited to you. Group members have said have said that coming back to walking with us post-lockdown has helped their confidence to get back out for walks, after isolating for some time. Sam, who is in his 80s, was so happy to be back on the group walks that he came running with his walking stick to get there on time!

On our Health Walk on Monday 10th May, group members took time to see and hear the birds and squirrels around them, and to smell the wet grass and blossom in the park. Building those connections with the natural world around us is just one way that nature can help with our mental wellbeing – the Wildlife Trusts list some other ways nature helps too:

Paul, one of our volunteers, suggested an unusual, fun activity to help connect with nature – why not build your own hedgehog house?! Information on how to do that here:

And if you need some inspiration for other things you can do to take care of your mental health, the Mental Health Foundation have come up with this helpful poster, packed full of suggestions:

Community Grant Pots – Applications Open!

Logo for People Keeping Well
Logo for People Keeping Well

Darnall Well Being is the Lead Body for the People Keeping Well (PKW) initiative for Darnall, Tinsley, Acres Hill and Handsworth.

We are pleased to announce that applications for Community Activities (A) and Dementia Activity (B) Small Grants are invited from local groups for activities in the local areas listed above.

Community Activity (A)

This funding can be applied for to support the following:-

  • Build the capacity of local groups to either improve their delivery or reach
  • Help provide some new equipment or resources.
  • Address a gap in provision in the area
  • Support groups that are encouraging people to connect and move more.
  • Applications may include requests for funding to make groups Covid safe or to purchase equipment to run group activities remotely

Dementia Activity (B)

This funding can be applied for to support the following:-

  • Reviewing existing Dementia Activity
  • Make a Group activity Dementia Friendly
  • Provide a Dementia Activity
  • Provide equipment to assist with Dementia Activity (this funding is for groups and applications regarding individuals are not allowed)
  • Applications may include requests for funding to make groups Covid safe or to purchase equipment to run group activities remotely


  • Projects MUST be for the benefit of residents within:
    • Darnall, Tinsley, Acres Hill and Handsworth
  • The fund is for groups only (not individuals).
  • Must have own bank account
  • One Application per organisation
  • Funding awarded needs to be spent in full and evidence provided with a Report and Receipts by the dates indicated for each fund. 


  • Complete the following form and return it to

by 12 noon Friday 21st May 2021.


  • Closing Date for Applications: 12 noon Friday 21st May 2021.
  • Organisations will be notified of the outcome by w/c 7th June
  • The Dementia Activities (b) grant to be spent by 6th December 2021 and monitoring submitted by noon 13th December.
  • Community Activities (a) grant to be spent by 28th February 2022 and monitoring submitted noon Friday 12th March 2022.

Any Questions?

  • If you’d like to have a talk about your idea before you apply, or want any advice then please get in touch via email leaving your phone number or ring 0114 249 6315 and someone from the Team will call you back.

Community Connector – March 2021

photos of a stack of newsletters
photos of a stack of newsletters
Printed copies of the Community Connector ready to be delivered

Spring edition of the Community Newsletter for Darnall Ward

Once again, a group of local organisations in the Darnall ward have been working in partnership on a newsletter for the benefit of the whole community. If you live in Attercliffe, Darnall, Tinsley and Handsworth, watch out for the The Community Connector arriving through your letterbox before Easter! All the pages are also available to view further down this page – or you can download a copy to print here:

Darnall Well Being have again worked together with Darnall Forum, Tinsley Forum, Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park, Sheffield City Council East Local Area Partnership, Sheffield NHS Clinical Commissioning Group and St Albans House Christian Community on planning, writing and editing this newsletter, so that we could share useful information and help people connect to what is happening in their local area. As well as updates from all of us, there’s also news from Darnall and Tinsley Allotments, Food Works and our local police officers. Plus good news stories from around our area, along with helpful information from the NHS about the Covid vaccine in a number of community languages – and lots more!

AGM Update

Our AGM took place online on 22nd February 2021, covering the period 1st April 2019 – 31st March 2020.

Zoom screenshot from our AGM

It was a simpler meeting than our normal celebrations, keeping to the main business required, namely appointments and our annual report for the above period, consisting of a report of the Chair of DWB, report of the Project Manager (Maternity Cover) of DWB and presentation of the 2019-2020 Accounts.

We also took the opportunity to record thanks to Jean Pickering, who has stood down as a trustee after a number of years. Other trustees talked about how much they had enjoyed working with Jean, describing her as “consistently engaged and supportive” and “an absolute stalwart” – descriptions which were met with plenty of agreement from others on the call. Although no longer a trustee, Jean remains an active volunteer for DWB and is looking forward to getting back to helping to run our health walks as soon as it is safe to do so!

photo of woman holding bouquet of flowers
Jean Pickering with her thank you flowers from DWB

This AGM was quieter than our usual large meetings, but we hope to celebrate our 21st year in Darnall later in 2021 with a much bigger event – watch this space!

Job Opportunity at DWB!

join us square speech bubble

We are seeking a motivated and enthusiastic person for the post of Move More Development Worker. Would you like the opportunity to help address health inequalities and improve lives at a local level? Are you passionate about working with communities by leading on group activities that improve the health and wellbeing of people?

join us square speech bubble
Join Us – credit Getty Images/iStockPhoto

The post holder will:

  • Deliver a range of activities that may include one-to-one work and leading on group activities that improve the health and wellbeing of people living in the area served.
  • Key in championing user involvement and engaging and supporting volunteers to build skills and confidence within the locality.
  • Work closely with health professionals, service providers, local community, voluntary and faith organisations to enable clients to achieve improved and sustainable physical and mental health and wellbeing.
  • Work to enable Darnall Well Being to quickly redesign its physical activity offer, within its pre-existing People Keeping Well, Community Wellbeing Programme, to engage and meet the needs of adults across the Darnall and Tinsley areas of Sheffield.

The successful candidate will work in the Darnall, Tinsley and Acres Hill areas of Sheffield (S9).

We are looking for someone who enjoys a challenge, well organised and able to act on their own initiative. This is a fantastic opportunity to join an exceptional team and an organisation with good standing both locally and citywide.

For more information, please see the job description and contact details below:

To make an informal enquiry or to request an application pack, please contact:

Yvonne Witter or Natalie Duffy on 0114 249 6315 or email

Closing date: midnight on Monday, 1st March 2021

Applications to be received via email –

Art Therapy in partnership with Sheffield Mind

artwork from art therapy course

In autumn 2020, Sheffield Mind reached out to us at Darnall Well Being with an idea to bring a number of people together safely, in a weekly Art Therapy group.

artwork from art therapy course
Art from one of the sessions

Sessions took place on Zoom, run by Paula Rolston, an art therapist from Sheffield Mind, supported by Sarah from DWB. The group ran for 8 weeks and the art-making exercises enabled the participants to express, explore together, and understand some of their emotions at a challenging time. Each group member used simple drawing materials from home, having these ‘at the ready’ each week.

How it worked

After the initial warm-up or check-in, participants would reflect on a given theme through art-making. Microphones were muted, and around 20 minutes were spent ‘together on screen’, quietly drawing or painting. The themes of connection, identity, self-care and hope were explored throughout the course. Following the art-making each week, members would share their work on screen, reflecting upon its meaning for them. People spoke of home, of loss and precious memories. They spoke of how the pandemic had impacted upon them, and they connected with one another sharing words of encouragement and advice on self-care.

Artwork from the sessions

We had some great feedback from the course

This was a highlight and refuge for me.

I found the confidence to draw, something I didn’t think I could do. Expressing my feelings through art was completely new to me. I discovered that if you draw something you miss, it brings you relief. It helps you understand your feelings about that thing.

I’d like to say that art therapy does not stop here for me.  Now I know what to do if I want to reduce my stress level and how to relax. I am going to use it with my 2 boys who have difficulty controlling their anger.

I was encouraged by a friend to join the group. I’d been at a low point, sad, anxious and in a bad mood. Participating in the group changed my mood.

I loved this course so much; will there be another? Especially now during this coronavirus pandemic when I need to socialise. To encourage me and to help me learn new things.

My message of hope for me and my friends here is that there is light at the end of the tunnel…… Don’t give up.

We hope to be able to run more Art Therapy sessions with Sheffield Mind in 2021.

Please contact us if you would like to join in future.

Darnall Well Being AGM

photo of people sitting around tables at our AGM

Darnall Well Being is holding its Annual General Meeting on Monday 22nd February 2021, 10-11:30am.

photo of people sitting around tables at our AGM
Our October 2019 AGM

We will be reporting on  the activity  that took place between April 2019 and the end of March 2020. 

Unfortunately we will not be holding our usual festivities due to the current Covid restrictions. We will be following the usual business format of an AGM.  We hope to do a celebration when restrictions allow. 

If you would like to join us, please contact us on and we will send you the Zoom details.

Blue Monday

photo of blue buildings and blue sky

Monday 18th January 2021 is known as Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year – but did you know that this idea came from an ad campaign to sell holidays and isn’t actually true?

photo of blue buildings and blue sky
Photo by Hector J Rivas on Unsplash

We know it’s really important to look after our mental health every day of the year, and to help us all through what may be an especially difficult time of year in lockdown, we have put together some useful support and contacts to help with mental health and wellbeing.

Help is available

There are plenty of ways that you can speak to someone, if you’re struggling – don’t suffer in silence! If you need to speak to someone urgently, please see the options here. The following are also local organisations who can help:

Sheffield Flourish run a number of groups and help people to support themselves with their mental health.

Sheffield Mental Health Guide – links to lots of mental health support options across Sheffield

Sheffield Mind – working locally to improve wellbeing and provide advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

Sheffield Samaritans – available to talk about however you’re feeling and support you.

Andy’s Man Club Sheffield are a peer support group for men and their mental health.

There are a number of apps and websites that you can use to help manage your mental health – some great, free examples are:

You could use the NHS Your Mind Plan to help you manage your mental health – and Sheffield Flourish have also produced a Mental Health Toolkit that you can use to support yourself with your wellbeing.

NHS Catch It – helps you learn how to manage feelings like anxiety and depression

NHS Stress & Anxiety Companion – helps you to handle stress and anxiety whilst you’re on the go.

There are also lots of videos online that can help in different ways. Here are a few examples you could try:

Honest Guys – meditation and relaxation videos to help you relax

Yoga With Adriene – yoga videos for all abilities and ages.

Netflix – Headspace Guide to Meditation

photo of pink blossom in front of blue sky
Photo by Elena Ferrer on Unsplash

Finally, be kind to yourself and try to make some time every day to do something that you enjoy, even if that’s as simple as walking around the block or reading a book for a while. Spring will be here before we know it!

December Challenge

Some Darnall Well Being staff challenged themselves to walk or run 25 miles in December 2020.

Inspired by a challenge started by Manor & Castle Development Trust, DWB staff Claire, Lucie, Sarah, Fran, Milda, Yvonne and Lucy committed to walking or running an extra 25 miles in December 2020. The idea was to help them get outside and keep active during the darker, colder winter days – watch the video to see how they got on!

We hope our efforts will encourage others to get out for a daily walk, whatever the weather. Since a new national lockdown was announced on 5th January 2021, please remember to exercise in accordance with the guidelines:

You can continue to leave the house for exercise, and you may exercise alone, with one other person, or with your household or support bubble. Exercise outside the home should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area. You should maintain social distancing throughout.