DWB’s Lucy becomes a director at Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park

photo of Lucy Melleney, CEO of DWB, at a lectern with 2 smiling people behind her

The Chief Executive of Darnall Well Being has been appointed to the Board of Directors at Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park.

Lucy Melleney will act as a conduit and help capture a local community perspective, working with the Board to deliver one of its key Olympic legacy objectives – to provide local people with significant improvements in health, wellbeing, education, skills, training, and job opportunities and to contribute to the economic regeneration of the local area.

photo of Lucy Melleney, CEO of DWB, at a lectern with 2 smiling people behind her
Lucy Melleney, CEO of DWB

Darnall Well Being is a local, not-for-profit, community anchor organisation working to help the people of Darnall, Tinsley and neighbouring areas stay healthy.

Through an integrated programme of activities and services, it aims to reduce health inequalities by working with local people, to help build knowledge, connections, cohesion and resilience.

Lucy Melleney said: “Darnall Well Being has 20 years’ experience of engagement with the community in Darnall, Tinsley, and Acres Hill, building trust and working in partnership to help people in ways that work best for them. We offer one to one and group support, workshops and training, as well as signposting information about local and national support to help improve health and wellbeing.

“We are well placed to collaborate with Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park and partners to further develop this work and achieve greater outcomes.”

Lucy added: “Enabling people to focus on what matters to them and encouraging opportunities in education and specialised training, will assist the economic improvements that are much needed, and which can in turn impact positively on the health and wellbeing of the local community.”

Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park brings together a unique partnership of organisations with a vested interest in improving physical activity and wellbeing and a commitment to harnessing the power of education, research and innovation to deliver transformational change.

The 80-acre site is attracting substantial investment in one of the most diverse areas of the city, which is acting as a catalyst for regeneration and growth. It is expected to create 3,500 high value jobs and generate £1.38bn in benefits.

The Park is home to an Oasis Academy and a University Technology College, which has an employer-led curriculum supported by Sheffield’s two universities and over 70 employer partners – equipping the workforce of the future with skills inHealth Sciences, Sport Science, and Computing.

Lucy added: “Darnall and Tinsley have above average rates of unemployment and insecure employment, and encouraging people to take up opportunities in education and specialised training will assist the economic improvements that are much needed.”

Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park is also home to Sheffield Hallam University’s Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC), a global centre for research and innovation in physical activity, dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of whole populations. The partnership with Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park will build on the collaborative work Darnall Well Being is already carrying out with the AWRC.

Darnall Well Being is also a recognised Community Hub organisation, providing an essential role during the current Covid-19 crisis, working closely with a range of services in the local area and acting as a conduit between the City Council and local community.

Sandi Carman, Assistant Chief Executive of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “As a founding Member of Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals is delighted to welcome Lucy to the Board as a Community Director which will help us deliver improvements in the health and wellbeing of the local community through collaboration, education, awareness, activities and events.

“We already work closely with communities in the surrounding area through our Park partners but by having Lucy on the Board we hope to engage even more to help with the delivery of the London 2012 Olympic legacy through the themes of sport, community, environment and economic regeneration.”

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter logo

Darnall Well Being –  Our Stance on Tackling Racism and Inequalities

June 2020

By working with you – the community we serve, our staff, volunteers, trustees and partners locally and across the city, we want to take action against racism and inequalities and become a more equal community.

As an organisation, we know we must do more to address this, and we must do it better.

We are committed to:

  • Explicitly state our commitment to challenge racism in our society
  • Make a sustained effort to ensure this is entwined and in the ongoing fabric of the culture and values of Darnall Well Being, now and in the future
  • Look at how we are able to broaden our reach and diversify who attends our activities and services
  • Discuss at a senior level how we achieve more diverse representation on our Board of trustees, to match the diversity of our team and area
  • Maintain and grow a mix of representative voices
  • Continue to tackle the ongoing inequalities that lies within our communities
  • Listen to the voices of local people in order to learn and connect with their context and experiences.  In turn, this will inform and shape our approach and services
  • Acknowledge and respect our differences, whilst embracing unity

Move More Month – June 2020

Did you know that June is Move More Month in Sheffield? Move More Sheffield have created a calendar with suggestions to get more active every day in June. Here at Darnall Well Being we know what an important role physical activity plays in making our physical and mental health better, so our team have been doing as much as we can to get involved. As well as sharing what we’ve been up to on our social media channels, we have also delivered the Move More calendar to all of our service users, to encourage others to join in, too!

From yoga to running, cycling to boxing, garden workouts to chairobics, and plenty more besides – here’s some of what DWB staff have been up to so far in June. We hope it inspires you to move more, too!

Activity Packs Update

Photo of a table set for afternoon tea, with the contents of a VE Day themed activity pack

Darnall Well Being featured in Now Then Magazine on 9th June, in an article about the activity packs that we have been delivering around the local area to people we normally get to see in person. Have a read here, if you’d like to know more!

We’ve also been putting together a number of new activity packs, starting with one for a number of our regular contacts, on the theme of Move More Month, which is taking place in Sheffield throughout June 2020. As well as the Move More calendar, to give ideas of activities to get people moving, we also sent sporty wordsearches, advice about regular walking, and other information about Covid 19, too.

Photo of contents of June Move More Month Activity Pack
June’s Move More Month Activity Pack

Our Dementia Activity Packs have been popular, so another set have gone out this month, with quizzes and colouring sheets, as well as the Move More contents.

Photo of the contents of Dementia Activity Pack 5
Dementia Activity Pack 5

We would normally be starting our On The Plot group at Darnall Allotment in June, but because of Covid 19 restrictions, that sadly isn’t possible this year. So we have sent out some gardening themed activity packs, specifically for people who would usually come along to help on the allotment.

Photo of On The Plot activity pack 1
On The Plot Activity Pack 1

Don’t forget that some of the contents from all these packs are available to download here!

Waqas Hameed – A Day in the Life

Photo of Waqas, one of our Senior Health Workers, talking with a client
Photo of Waqas, one of our Senior Health Workers, talking with a client
Waqas, one of our Senior Health Workers, talking with a client

Waqas has worked for Darnall Well Being for 10 years as a Senior Health & Wellbeing worker. Recently, he has also taken on the new role of Link Worker. On a typical Link Working day, he comes into the office at 9am, and checks his DWB and NHS emails. He then goes to clinic, in one of the local GP surgeries, and is there until 14.00. At clinic, people are booked in with him for appointments by GPs, Occupational Therapists and District Nurses. A first appointment lasts 45 minutes, with subsequent appointments being 30 minutes. Waqas says “The length of time makes a big difference in helping learn about someone – I have the time to take a holistic approach to helping, and I’m able to take the load of non-medical work away from GPs, by supporting people and connecting them with the right services.”

Waqas deals with all kinds of referrals – he talks here about a typical case where a family contacted the GP because they wanted their parent to go into a care home, but they didn’t know where to start. As a non-medical matter, the GP referred the family to Waqas. He met with the family to get the background to their situation, understand what support they had already, and what issues they were facing. Then he liaised with social services and continued to act the contact for both parties, and the GP, to come back to for more information if needed. He was also able to provide details about groups and support available for the family in the local area.

Mindfulness Video

Screenshot of Sarah O'Grady in her mindfulness video

Sarah, our Volunteer Support Worker, has made this wonderful, short video to help you practise mindfulness.

We’ve loaded the video to YouTube to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week. Mindfulness can be a very helpful way of relaxing and reconnecting with our bodies, thoughts and feelings. This can be particularly useful in helping to deal with the stress and anxiety that many people are experiencing during the Covid-19 pandemic:


Darnall Well Being launches as Community Hub during Covid-19

Poster announcing the DWB is acting as a Community Hub during Covid-19

Darnall Well Being officially launched as a Community Hub, with a dedicated hotline and email account in April 2020. Our approach is to keep in touch with our existing volunteers and people we have supported previously, support everyone in the community in staying well at home, and maintain 2-way communication with statutory partners. We have been linked in to the citywide Voluntary Care Sector picture and Voluntary Action Sheffield Hubs calls from the outset.

We have taken on an enabling and facilitating approach to helping people get the support they need, rather than i.e. offering shopping and delivery services.

Photo of printed sheets in stacks, ready to be put together as activity packs
Activity packs ready to be put together for delivery

Darnall Well Being are committed to providing a remote / virtual community wellbeing programme and continuing our Social Prescribing Service remotely. Our approach is developing over time and includes online messaging, positive wellbeing information and public health guidance shared on social media accounts. We are sending out activity packs and newsletters regularly, and have a team rota for staying in touch with group beneficiaries (walkers, conversation club, diabetes/chronic pain group, carers, dementia café, allotment users, craft group, ladies chairobics, cycling etc).

Photo of a table set for afternoon tea, with the contents of a VE Day themed activity pack
Our VE Day Invitation to Remember and activity pack

It’s good to get the activity pack with something positive to do.  Darnall Well Being have done so well, not just forgetting us.  It is so nice to know we are thought about and the phone calls make a really big difference.

Hazel, volunteer and group attendee

Our digital volunteer Wellbeing Champions are involved with our Communication and Engagement Worker in exploring ideas to stay connected with the community. Watch this space for future news on what we have been doing!

Ahsan – Volunteering with DWB

Photo of volunteer Ahsan

Ahsan has volunteered with us for several years, and wrote a blog piece here about her experience of being with us.

Photo of volunteer Ahsan
Ahsan has volunteered with DWB for several years

I started volunteering with Darnall Wellbeing during a college placement. I thoroughly enjoyed the placement year and was given the opportunity to stay with DWB as a volunteer. I took part in different training courses which gave me the development skills to become a ‘health champion’ and ‘helping hand’. With this upgrade I was able to take part in different areas of volunteering within the community.

I had a lot of group work to take part in as well as plenty one-to-one work with clients. This helped me develop my confidence skills drastically, as well as team work skills. Progressing as a volunteer, I am now able to plan, deliver and lead nutrition/health sessions to specific groups in the community. 4 years ago I would not have had the courage to do this or ask for the opportunity.

I really love working with the staff members at DWB – they are all very welcoming and approachable. I would recommend anyone to volunteer with DWB, especially if you want to develop your own personal skills or if you would like to join some activities when you have free time. There is something for everybody.

Our Activity Schedules

Our activity schedules for Darnall and Tinsley are below. Please be aware that we took the difficult decision to suspend all our face to face activities in March 2020 and they will not resume until it is safe to do so. If you are interested in finding out more about a particular activity, please contact us to register your interest and find out more.

Photo of Darnall Activity Schedule
Darnall Activity Schedule
Photo of Tinsley Activity Schedule
Tinsley Activity Schedule

You can download PDF versions of our activity schedules here:

Darnall Allotment Project

We have been involved with Darnall Allotment Project, at the allotments at Infield Lane, for some time. Our dementia group are there regularly as part of our “On Our Plot” project, and we have helped to erect a new polytunnel and composting toilet, as well as make the classroom more accessible.

sweetcorn and polytunnel
Sweetcorn growing at the allotment
Tomatoes at the allotment
Tomatoes growing at the allotment
Banana tree at the allotment
Banana tree growing in the sunshine

Our Grow Together session runs every Friday, 10am-1pm, and is open to everyone.  Come along to learn more about growing organic food, meet new people or just to have a look and a cuppa.  If you would like to find out more, follow Darnall Allotment Project on Facebook or Twitter, or contact Sarah at darnallallotmentproj@gmail.com


Recent news

Brief paragraphs about recent news at Darnall Well Being.

Happening now

Coming soon

Regular events

DWB mentions in external news

Translations of some news items


Stay in touch

Follow us on social media – search for Darnall Well Being or @darnallwb on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. Sign up to our newsletter by emailing…..

Cancer Awareness

Outreach (screening uptake, breast health, signs and symptoms for breast, bowel, lung and ovarian, knowing what is normal for you).


Boxfit is a cardiovascular workout with classes lasting between 45 minutes to one hour.

The classes are based on the training used for boxing so it includes skipping, boxing drills including fast walk and abdominal workouts all focusing on general fitness and toning.

Our friendly and welcoming team are here to support participants from beginners to additional levels and are very passionate about improving the health and well being of the people of Darnall and Tinsley.

Class sizes are small with varying levels and ages of participants specifically targeting first timers from the mid elderly age range.

Diabetes Regional Innovation Fund

We developed a diabetic pathway of care for patients from early identification and education, self management, personalised care planning to secondary prevention of the most at risk communities. People were offered additional tailored support through this project which was carried out by our team of Health Trainers.