This has been (and remains) an intense time for us.
We did not shut our doors during lockdown – in fact, though our usual face to face activity paused, the team have continued to work hard to maintain contact and provide alternative ways to support people to stay well, maintaining regular contact with our 1to1 clients and group beneficiaries where possible.
If you feel you or someone you know would benefit from this support, please let us know
Please know that we are still here, doing our best to support the community remotely and maintain our Covid Community Hub phone line 07946 320 808 for those in need of a helping hand.

The pandemic is in a new phase but it is still with us, affecting our day to day lives, the impact we all feel in many different ways.
DWB are navigating the next few months with the knowledge that we, our partners and beneficiaries will be at different stages of how they feel about what is happening and the need to move forward collectively is really important and to do this at the pace that feels right for us, to protect ourselves and community. This pace may not always match people’s expectations.
We need to build time to reflect, for respite, to re-connect and to recognise what we are achieving.
The Summer has been exceptionally busy owing to the delivery and operational demands of the Healthy Holidays Project (part of a wider citywide delivery) and from the demands of engaging in the city’s Covid response.
Whilst we continue to suspend face to face delivery for now, we are planning and taking steps to build an activity offer that is manageable, safe and a positive experience to support people to stay well whilst we our community still grapples with a pandemic.
It is likely, however, that we will continue some new ways of working for the foreseeable future and are not able to restart everything the way it was before Covid 19 began.
We realise you may feel disappointed but we hope you understand we are acting in the best interests of our community. We will make every effort to keep you informed.
A few highlights from over the past few months;
- We have stayed in touch with 262 activity participants & 32 volunteers
- Our Link workers have received 58 referrals from 5 GP surgeries
- We’ve made 160 Food bank referrals
- And in addition to the above, we’ve made regular contact from our EU Settled Status Project client list of 1,000 contacts
- To the end of July 2020 we have taken 101 phone calls/emails through the community hub phone line.
Ways to stay informed:
- You or a family member or friend could follow us on Social Media for regular updates. Please search for @DarnallWB on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
- Check website regularly for the latest guidance
- Sheffield’s voluntary sector has useful updates here:
Thank you for your continued support in this difficult and challenging time.