Update on Darnall Well Being Services – October 2020

South Yorkshire is moving to a Tier 3 “Very High” Covid restrictions area on Saturday 24th October.
We would like to reassure the community and partners that we will continue to deliver support during this time, in line with our workplace Covid risk assessments.
Support available from Darnall Well Being includes our:
- Covid Community Hub – offering telephone advice and information
- Regular wellbeing phone calls and doorstep visits where possible, for those that need it the most
- Regular activity packs through the post
- Regular (Zoom) conference calls for our volunteers – with the prospect of more opportunities to connect online for our group members before long.
- Link Workers can still offer one to one support for people with long-term conditions like diabetes and chronic pain management, help with improving physical and mental wellbeing, as well as signposting to other services where needed.
To limit the spread of Covid-19, our indoor groups will remain suspended for now, but the team are working hard and talking with local people and partners, to plan what we can do safely outdoors and online to bring people together and stay well. Some activity has already started including Ladies Cycling and volunteering sessions at two brilliant Allotment plots in the area.
We continue to monitor official announcements and guidance, making changes to our plans if needed.
Council support is available, including a £500 grant for people on low incomes needing to isolate and funding for people needing food.
Look out for updates on our website and social media pages or contact us for more information, share your ideas or to get involved.
Ways to get in touch:
Email: communityhub@darnallwellbeing.org.uk
Phone: 0114 249 6315
or Text/Call: 07946 320 808
Remember – the basics matter. We all have a role to play to help our community stay safe: keep your distance, wash hands regularly, good ventilation, wear a face covering where needed, unless exempt.