Darnall Well Being – Our Stance on Tackling Racism and Inequalities
June 2020
By working with you – the community we serve, our staff, volunteers, trustees and partners locally and across the city, we want to take action against racism and inequalities and become a more equal community.
As an organisation, we know we must do more to address this, and we must do it better.
We are committed to:
- Explicitly state our commitment to challenge racism in our society
- Make a sustained effort to ensure this is entwined and in the ongoing fabric of the culture and values of Darnall Well Being, now and in the future
- Look at how we are able to broaden our reach and diversify who attends our activities and services
- Discuss at a senior level how we achieve more diverse representation on our Board of trustees, to match the diversity of our team and area
- Maintain and grow a mix of representative voices
- Continue to tackle the ongoing inequalities that lies within our communities
- Listen to the voices of local people in order to learn and connect with their context and experiences. In turn, this will inform and shape our approach and services
- Acknowledge and respect our differences, whilst embracing unity