Flu kills over 11,000 people every year, on average.
Some years it’s much more and it hospitalises many more each year.
This is anything but an average year.
As Covid-19 is likely to be circulating with flu, protecting those at high risk of flu, who are also those most vulnerable to hospitalisation as a result of Covid-19, is vitally important.

We think of it as ‘just the flu’. But it’s a virus. It can cause severe complications, particularly amongst those at high risk. So when it comes to flu, there’s no ‘just’ about it.
The flu virus spreads from person to person, even amongst those not showing any symptoms.
It can cause severe complications, particularly for high risk groups. Don’t put off getting the flu vaccination. If you’re eligible get it now. It’s free because you need it. Contact your GP or pharmacist to book an appointment.

Worried or Unsure About Getting a Flu Jab?
There’s lots more information and questions answered about the flu jab on the NHS Sheffield CCG website here.
Greg Fell, Sheffield’s Director of Public Health, has also made a video busting some common myths about the flu jab. You can watch it here:
We know there can be false stories shared online about vaccinations and that these can be worrying. You can always check the truth about online stories about vaccines via the independing fact checking website Full Fact.
The leaflets below are produced by the NHS and give information about the flu vaccine in different languages. Other translations are available on the Public Health England website.