Darnall Well Being, Darnall Education & Sport Academy, and Voluntary Action Sheffield are hosting a get together for all organisations or individuals who provide opportunities for people to be physically active in the Darnall and Tinsley areas.

Join us on Wednesday 28th September 2022 from 4 to 6pm at the English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Rd, Sheffield, S9 5DA.
We want to give people who work in the area a chance to meet others working on similar stuff, understand each other’s services better, share strengths and challenges, and possibly spark some ideas on how we could work together more to better serve the area.
We also think it will be a good opportunity to show off the good things happening in the area.
We will structure the session so there is time for:
- Showcasing your work and organisation
- Conversations about common problems or opportunities and what we can do collectively
- And, some time for something fun
We will put on refreshments, and you can come and go as you please. All welcome, just please respond to the invite so we can plan for numbers, by emailing a.batty@vas.org.uk. Feel free to share this information with any community organisations or individuals who may benefit from this.