Our AGM took place online on 22nd February 2021, covering the period 1st April 2019 – 31st March 2020.

It was a simpler meeting than our normal celebrations, keeping to the main business required, namely appointments and our annual report for the above period, consisting of a report of the Chair of DWB, report of the Project Manager (Maternity Cover) of DWB and presentation of the 2019-2020 Accounts.
We also took the opportunity to record thanks to Jean Pickering, who has stood down as a trustee after a number of years. Other trustees talked about how much they had enjoyed working with Jean, describing her as “consistently engaged and supportive” and “an absolute stalwart” – descriptions which were met with plenty of agreement from others on the call. Although no longer a trustee, Jean remains an active volunteer for DWB and is looking forward to getting back to helping to run our health walks as soon as it is safe to do so!

This AGM was quieter than our usual large meetings, but we hope to celebrate our 21st year in Darnall later in 2021 with a much bigger event – watch this space!