Asha is 82 and lives in Darnall. She is a very active lady. Prior to COVID-19, Asha used to attend our Conversation Club, Chairobics sessions and Monday Health Walks.
She enjoyed getting out of the house to do different things, learn new things, meet new people and improve her English. So Asha was really sad when the whole country was in lockdown. She couldn’t visit her family and friends, and all DWB activities were put on hold. Everything changed for her. She felt trapped in her house and living on her own made the situation worse, because she was isolated and spending all the time alone. She felt that all she could do was watch TV.
So Asha decided to come up with something to do in her free time, so she could put her skills to good use for the benefit of others. She contacted one of the DWB team to ask them for wool, so she could create strings and ropes by knitting wool with her teeth. Asha used to do this activity back home in Somalia, and thought that doing this activity here would help as a form of low impact physical exercise, while also helping her to manage her mental wellbeing.
Watch the videos to see how she makes the strings and hear from Asha herself about how doing this has helped her! Asha plans to send all the strings she makes to Somalia, via a charity, to help others.
I really enjoy doing this activity and am willing to teach others how to do it so they can learn and do it as well. I would like other people to learn about my tradition and the things we practice in Somalia.
Asha, DWB group participant