Day in the life – Milda Hameed

Photo of woman sitting by a fountain
Milda Hameed

I work as Business and Finance Support Officer at Darnall
Well Being, which most of you might think is a boring job.
But not here! It is never boring at Darnall Well Being, as no
two days are the same. Yes, most of my duties are desk
based, but when we’re in the office, I also get to interact with
our lovely volunteers, when they are staffing the DWB
enquiry desk, or I help support our activity groups if we are
slightly short on staff.
Since 23rd March, because of Covid 19, all of our team
started to work from home. And my working day couldn’t be
more different to what I was used to. Initially, I helped to
make staff comfortable to work from home, ordered extra
equipment we needed, and tried to support with any issues
that arose. The biggest challenge for me was (and I am sure
a lot of you can relate to this!) working from home – juggling home schooling for 3 children and trying to
protect my husband’s time, as he was also working from home.

Whilst the kids were at home, my day would start at 7.30, when I set up my work station on our dining table,
to be able to work in peace for about an hour and a half. Then it was breakfast time, where I was
surrounded by the kids with their bowls of cereal. After the breakfast chaos, all my working days were
similar, whether I was trying to juggle work with maths equations and English perfect tenses during the
school term, or with casual bake offs, constant negotiations and peace keeping skills during the holidays.
My favourite part of work during lockdown was making the activity packs, which we’ve been sending to all of
our users, as this was a way to still keep in touch with people in the community that we care about.