Fran has worked for Darnall Well Being since September 2019, as Communications and Engagement Worker. Like everyone else, Fran’s days have been very different since March this year! She now works from home, part-time, whilst also home schooling her 2 sons, aged 10 and 7. On a typical work day now, Fran gets up early and works at the kitchen table until breakfast time for her sons. She then fits in Zoom meetings and social media posting in between making sure that her sons are managing with the school work they receive from their primary school. By lunchtime, the boys have generally finished their school work, so afternoons are spent with them, getting as much fresh air as possible – on the trampoline, playing football in the garden, riding bikes, and looking after the vegetables and other plants that they are trying to grow. Later, the boys have Minecraft time, so Fran gets more work done – and then it’s time for her to join the boys on the daily session of PE With Joe Wicks on YouTube. And finally, they make it to teatime!
Fran says, “As well as making sure I come up with plenty of content to share from DWB on our social media accounts, I also focus on finding and sharing useful information from other organisations on social media. I’ve done a lot of work on getting the DWB website up and running during lockdown, and now I continue to add content regularly to it. I’m also writing guides for other members of the team, so that they know how to contribute to the website, too. I’ve helped the team with getting set up to work from home and join Zoom calls, etc as this was all new to a number of the team. And I try to keep in touch with our digital Wellbeing Champions via our WhatsApp group, to share useful information about Covid-19 and the community response, so that they can help to share that information to the wider community.”