ND’s Story

Health Trainer Darnall Well Being Case Study
Client: ND, aged 65 (White British Male)

Referral Source: GP (DPCC)

Nature of the health need:

  • To stop smoking for health reasons i.e. COPD, heart failure
  • To lose weight by eating healthily for better general health
  • To reduce depression by engaging in different activities and groups
  • To get active i.e. more walking or gentle exercise.

Change in Behaviour:

  • ND has stopped smoking and has booked a holiday with the money he has saved.
  • He is eating more fruit and vegetable during the day
  • ND has stopped late night snacking
  • ND has cut down on sugar intake
  • He is now conscious of what he eats, how much he eats and when he eats
  • Overall well being has improved

Referrals to other services:

  • Stop Smoking Service
  • Over Fifty Walking Football Game

Patient Perspective:

“Although I think it is very difficult to engage me in new things, from the beginning you have managed to make me think about my lifestyle in general and smoking in particular. You have helped me to understand my situation, spoken to me about alternatives and encouraged me to help myself.  I think this service should be widely available.”